Back To School

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Requested by: @LittlePetty123

Quick Note, Normal people are there in their school too, besides countries.


It was a pleasant morning. The birds were chirping, clouds covered the sky. The street was filled with happy chatters. I looked out of the window. As I suspected, There were many people down there. Chatting, Playing eating ice-cream and what-not. I opened my phone. It lit up, revealing a bunch of notifications. I slid them off after reading them. "Mmhm...mhmm...not important...not important..." I mummered under my breath. 

I had almost read all of them. I begin reading the last one. 

'Calander Remainder: School starts from tommorow'

I froze. I Immidietly peered through the window again, looking at all the hustle down there. 'Do they even remember?' I thought. 'I better remind them.' I opened my phone again. I went over to whatsapp and opened the group. Our WhatsApp group had all the countries. I decided to type in a remainder.

''Quick note, School starts tomorrow!!'' I wrote in. I waited for a few minutes for the replies to pop up.

UK: Quick note, school starts tomorrow.

Sweden: Ohno

Italy: I literally forgot

France: Thanks for the remainder!

America: Oh Fuck

Brazil: OH COME ON!!

China: @Italy I forgot too

Russia: Xaxa Me too

Germany: Thx @UK

Belarus: I don't wanna go :(

Ukraine: Nobody does

Egypt: Why do vacations have to end so early?

India: @Egypt  I didn't even realise when they ended.

Singapore: Back to school, ig

Norway: Thx anyway @UK

UK: No problem chap!

America's POV:

'Of fuck, schools are starting!!!' I thought. I wasn't prepared. I bolted towards my room to check for supplies. "Hm...I have books, and stationary, and bag." I mummered. A few minutes later, I was prepared. School was 10 minutes away from our house. Some of us cycled our way, some of us waited for the school bus. 

I pulled out my phone and texted Canada.

America: Hey bro, Tmr's school

Canada: yes, I saw

America: Tmr is the first day. I wonder if we get to be in the same class!

Canada: Ya, me too

                                               -THE NEXT DAY-

Russia's POV:

I woke up at 5:00 AM: In the morning. Though school starts at 8, I had this weird habit of waking up early. I decided to get ready.  I say up and stretched my arms and got up from my bed and went towards the bathroom. 

I brushed my teeth. After a few minutes, I bathed and wrapped a towel around myself. "Hm...what shall I wear?" I asked myself. I was browsing through my wardrobe. I wasn't excactly 'Fashion-forward' and preferred Comfortable cloths over stylish looking ones. I picked up a sky Blue and black pants. I wore a brown trench coat and of course, My Ushanka which I never leave behind.

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