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Chloe's pov
Matthew asked if I would ever date him . I didn't want him knowing I liked him so I just smiled and said its possible. We had just left Taco Bell and were on our way home because jack texted looking for us.

Once we arrived mom had asked us if we ate and I told her we stopped for Taco Bell on the way home. I heard jack upstairs talking with one of the guys so me and Matt walked upstairs to see jack and cam talking about a party. Once we walked in they changed the subject and started talking about what game they were fixing to play. I looked at Matt and he said he would find out and tell me. Ever since I came here Matt has been so sweet to me like we just grew up together.

Jacks pov
Yeah the party starts at 7 tomorrow I will meet you at jack j house. We looked and seen Chloe walking in so we started talking about games we were going to play because I didn't want her knowing I was sneaking out to go to jacks party. What took tall so long Chloe? "Oh we took our time and went to Taco Bell and ate" she said smiling at Matt. He looked at Chloe and blushed and she did to I could so tell they liked each other .

Chloe's pov
Jack was asking us questions on what we did and how it was you know being the nosy jack gilinsky . I got a text from my dad asking me if I had his truck keys I didn't no where they were so I asked jack of he had them and he said no so I went to help him look for them.

Jacks pov
Once Chloe walked out of the room I looked at Matt and said "I know you like her take care of her she is my little sister and I don't want her hurt." He looked at me with a shocked face and smiled saying "thanks man it means a lot I promise I won't she is just so amazing" well if you hurt her I will hurt you. He said he wouldn't so I took his word. Just then Chloe walked in and told us one of her friends paisley was coming over to stay the night.

Chloe's pov
I went to find dads truck keys and found them under the couch cushion so I texted him telling him I layer them on the counter. I got a text from paisley (my best friend from middle school). Saying she wanted to come over so I told her sure. I went up to tell the guys she was coming and that we would have the house to ourselves because mom left with dad to go on a business trip for a few days. Jack decided we should all have a sleep over so he invited the rest of the guys over for the night.

Later that night

Jacks pov
I decided to call the guys up since mom and dad were gone for a few days. We could just hang out and play games all weekend. Once we decided what we were doing we waited for everyone to get there.

Chloe's pov
Paisley had just got here and was taking her stuff upstairs to my room so she could get into her pjs. I waited on her and we walked downstairs so I could introduce her to the guys.
We went down and all the guys just started staring at us like they were crazy. I looked and laughed and said guys this is paisley. Paisley this is Matt, Cam, jack j, my brother you know him Taylor, Brent , carter , Hayes and of course the one and only Nash. They all said there heys and hellos and I suggested we all go to the den and play truth or dare. They Ll agreed so we went to get snacks and went to the den.

Thank yall for 52 views it meants alot💘

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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