"What is a bid?" Samara questioned, looking towards the playground. She smiled watching North holding Grayson's hand as they went up the staircase of the playground.

Their friendship made Samara's whole day.

"It means a joke," Gabriel responded. "If I ask you to rumble my baby moms fa' me, would you do it? She ain' gonna press charges or anything like that," He started grinning and nudging Samara's arm with his pointing elbow.

Samara started laughing "No stupid," She shook her head "I have my own problems ta' deal wit'. You'n got a sister or anything?" She questioned.

Samara already knew he didn't like his daughter's mother to save his life. It wasn't always like that of course because they have a four-year-old daughter but the few times Samara heard him on the phone with her few times they visited the park, she could see he hated her.

She didn't blame him eithe for it. She was in sort of the same boat with how much she hated her son's father.

She hated him so much, she was in hiding and couldn't contact her family nor friends in fear he might find her to finish the job of killing her son and herself.

What a life.

"No. I grew up with all niggas and the few female friends I did have, I cut all of them off because of her. Shit is whack," He complained. Samara was trying to take him seriously but his accent and how unserious he is most of the time weren't helping.

"Lady is so damn delusional. Lemme tell you what she did," He started, sitting up on the bench and turning his body slightly to face her. "I've been having full custody of North since she was two because her mom is irresponsible. First of all, the bitch trapped me. We broke up and she tricked me to have that closure sex than two months later, she ended up pregnant,"

Samara knitted her eyebrows together "How did she trick you?" She wondered, confused about that part.

Gabriel plainly blinked his eyes at her "Sam just be on my side damn. She tricked me, now back to my story," He chuckled and so did Sam.

"Okay continue, she tricked you and she ended up pregnant," She nodded, going with whatever he said.

"Right, so fast forward she has North but we still ain't together. We were just 'Co-parenting' but really, I was doing everything while she took pictures and posted on Instagram to take credit," He made clear "She has my eight-month-old daughter around some niggas I told her not to be around. She didn't listen and kept doing it anyway so North got sick. Like really sick, in the hospital sick because one of those dumbshells gave her an edible cookie," He revealed.

Samara's eyes grew wide "An edible? Drugs? To an eig-month-old? What the hell?" She scrunched her face up.

"Crazy right?" Gabriel amusingly chuckled "So what do I do? I kept her away from my daughter, yes I did. I made it seem like she doesn't try to see her daughter on social media knowing gahh damn well it was me keeping her from North," He cracked up.

Samara snickered "You were like those bitter baby mamas that are on Instagram and Facebook Live huh?"

Gabriel nodded his head proudly with a short smile "I'll do it again too. I only took it that far because she lied ta' me," He admitted "I asked her did she know they were giving her the edible, and she told me no and was just cry, just drawn. Then, a week later the live video was posted on Instagram, her ass was the one telling them to give her the edible. She was the one holding North in her lap while these nigga was feeding her the whole cookie,"

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