Chapter 8: The Dinner - Part 3

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(Final dinner part, don't worry :))

Y/N's POV Cont...

Twenty minutes later...

The sun has fully set, and the lanterns around the yard have all been fully lit. The musician slows his jig to a calmer melody.

The plates and jugs lay empty across the table, and everyone looks thoroughly fed and resting. Little My and Moomintroll have slumped from their chair, and have fallen onto the soft grass.

I look over to Snufkin beside me, looking a little tired. His hair is in a further state of disarray, and he is laying back on his chair with his garland half pulled over his eyes. His arms are crossed over his chest, and his breath is slow and steady.

I chuckle to myself as I look towards the Moomin residence, seeing Moominmamma, lively as ever, bringing out a four-tiered cake for dessert.

"Yoohoo!" Moominmamma calls out.

"Prepare yourselves for dessert!"

The fiddler ends his slow tune, and once again picks up with a lively song.
The conversation around the table reinvigorates, and  some guests carry over their dirty plates to bring toward the front of the house. Shortly after, new dessert plates and cutlery are placed in front of us.

Snufkin stirs, and pulls his garland up from his eyes, blinking in confusion.

"Did I fall asleep?" He looks towards me.

"I suppose you did!" I chuckle.

He drowsily smiles and leans forward towards the table, grabbing a swig from his water goblet. He sighs to himself when he sees the giant cake approaching.

Moominmamma sets the enormous cake down in the centre, and begins cutting slices out for the guests. My plate got a carrot cake, while Snufkin got a slice of strawberry shortcake.

'Damn that Snufkin. His slice looks so soft, and sweet, and-'

"Do... do you want my slice? I'm afraid that if I eat any more... you'll have to drag my corpse out of this party..." He jokes peering over to me, and motioning for me to take his plate.

"Are you sure? I mean if you're offering..."
I gladly accept his plate, and taste more of Moominmamma's delicious cooking.

Snufkin smiles to himself, and leans back in his chair once more, admiring the stars up above and relishing in the moment.

・。. ・ ゚✭・. ・✫・。・。. ・ ゚✭・. ・✫・ ゚・

Now being fed all the courses, the spontaneous fireworks can begin. The moon is high, the sky is clear, and there couldn't be a more perfect night for fireworks. The crickets and frogs join in the fiddler's soft tune, wrapping my evening up in a pretty ribbon.

I turn to tell Snufkin that I'm going to go sit down, but he is conversing with some guest to his right.

Getting up carefully from my chair, I lay down on one of the carefully scattered quilt blankets around the yard.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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