Chapter 5 - The Invitation

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Your POV: Two weeks later

Adjusting to my new life has been rather... restless. Ever since I've arrived, working with Julie at the apothecary shop has been a whirlwind, with barely enough time to do something for myself before I have to tidy up and head straight to bed. Being open for six out of seven days a week certainly takes a toll on you, but after seeing how hard Julie works, I do my best to keep up with her. During the day off I spend time with Julie, sometimes reading, baking, or helping her paint cute designs on whatever clear surface she could find outside.

After I sent the letter to my mother when I arrived two weeks prior, I received one back as quickly as the mail man could deliver it. My mother wished me well, sent me kisses, and somehow managed to send me her homemade cookies wrapped in an embroidered linen cloth.

After thoroughly enjoying the cookies, (and of course, sharing them with Julie), I sat down at my neat bureau & wrote her another letter, describing the chaos that unfolds downstairs in the store.

"It's the Summer season," Julie says, attempting to explain to me the reasons behind the sudden influx. "Clients need headache medicine for all of their late night dinner parties..."

How she has managed by herself before I arrived will forever remain a mystery to me.

The next few days went as usual, I'd wake up, shower, eat breakfast, run errands, advise customers with the variety of tonics and teas, tidy up, and finally... go to bed. Despite the constant rush, I felt myself becoming more accepted in the community of Moominvalley, undoubtedly feeling more like a local. Getting to know regulars from the village and seeing the Moomin family pop in once in a while felt like a needed break during the day. Sometimes I'd even see Snufkin pass by the house with his worn out clothing, messy hair & fishing rod in need of an upgrade. We'd wave to each other, but something... felt different between us.

Maybe it is because I don't get out as often as I used to? But that's not my fault... I am sure he sees how busy it is. If he wants to talk to me he can go ahead.

However, this one rather sunny day was looking a little brighter when I checked our little mailbox.

I open the old, wooden mailbox and notice the two letters inside. The first is addressed to the shop itself (most likely some business thing for Julie), and the other is addressed to me, with my name written in beautiful handwriting and a lilac wax seal keeping the envelope shut.

My excitement at receiving a letter makes me take a quick seat on one of the painted benches in the garden. I pull my dainty straw garden hat closer to my face, attempting to shield my eyes from the scorch of the morning sun. Despite my eagerness to rip it open and read the contents of the letter, I carefully unpeel the wax from the paper, and pull out the message.

My dear Y/N,

Didn't expect a letter from me did you? This is Moominmamma writing to express my admiration at how hard you've been working at Ms Clove's apothecary. She tells me a lot about how diligent and wonderful you are, and that she couldn't have asked for a better helper. I know how difficult it must be to be so far from home, but you are doing a wonderful job at adapting to our little town. I hope that soon you'll see this place as your home away from home. That being said... I was hoping that you and Ms Clove could make it to our floral-themed garden party next Sunday at 6 o'clock. We would love to have you two join us that afternoon. Just bring yourselves!

Never forget that we are all here for you, all you have to do is ask.

With love,


On These Summer Nights - {Snufkin x Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now