Chapter 11 ~ "...gotta wait a few more years..."

Start from the beginning

"Do you think we have enough food?" Addy asks as she looks around at all of the dishes they had prepared.

"Addy we've been cooking all afternoon, if they eat all of this and want more they can fix it themselves." Zara joked, causing the other women to laugh.

"We have enough. All that's left is to finish frosting the cake." Louise said.

"They're right Darling, stop worrying." Sophie smiled.

"You're right." Addy nodded, "I forget that I'm not in Genovia. When I'm there I like to help in the kitchen, making food for everyone in the castle."

"How do the chefs react to having the princess in the kitchen with them?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow as Zara showed Louise something on her phone, causing the two to giggle softly.

"Most of them are used to it by now." Addy said turning to Zara and Louise, "What's so funny?"

Zara, who was now pointing her phone towards Addy, just smiled and stifled another giggle "You're about to find out."

"Briar!" A voice yelled, causing Addy to turn in the direction of the door, just as Harry came bounding into the kitchen.

Harry ran up to Addy, grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionate on the lips.

After a few moments, Addy pulled away breathing kinds of heavy, "What was that for?" She asked with a soft laugh.

Harry leaned his forehead against her and smiled, "My lawyer just called, the divorce was finalized this morning."

"And this is your way of telling me?" Addy joked.

"Well I've already told you how I feel, and you said after the divorce was official. I think that kiss was long overdue." Harry laughed softly.

"So do I." Zara and Louise said at the same time, both smiling widely, causing the couple to shake there heads in amusement.

Addy laughed softly and nodded, "Me too."

"Does that mean you'll finally agree to go on a date with me?" Harry asked.

Addy smiled up at him, "Yes, I will."

Harry smiled widely and picked her up in a hug, spinning her around.

"Well, I'm very happy for you both but the cake is done, so we should probably take the food out to everyone." Sophie said with a smile.

"Wanna help carry the food?" Addy asked Harry her smile never leaving her face.

"I'd be happy to." Harry said while still staring at her.

"Is this what it's going to be like from now on? They just stare at each other and smile, completely ignoring the rest of us?" Louise asked jokingly.

Zara nodded "And I have a feeling that it's only gonna get worse with time."

"You both, do realize that we're standing right here, right?" Addy raised an eyebrow at them.

"Simple stating facts sissy." Louise shrugged.

"You're the one who has been teasing and pushing for Haz and me to finally get together." Addy said.

"And I shall continue to tease you forever." Louise said, grinning mischievously.

"Just wait until you get a boyfriend." Addy joked.

"Oh that poor boy." Sophie laughed softly as they started to move the food out of the kitchen.

"What do you mean by that?" Louise asked in confusion.

"Oh darling cousin of mine." Zara laughed softly, "You are the youngest girl, therefore, all of the older members of the family are going to try to protect you at all costs."

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