Characters Q&A

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To celebrate publishing Book 3, the last book of this trilogy, I'm doing a Characters' Q&A!

How does it work?

It's easy! In the inline comments below, comment the questions you may have for the characters. Once the question period ends, the characters will reply to them!

Basically, I'll be roleplaying as the characters and you, the reader, gets to ask them anything!

Question Period: Still Open!

Once the question period is over, I'll compile all the questions and answers and publish them here for everyone to read!

Special thanks to GoldenSwiftie for  this idea! 💛✨

Note: Please don't ask for future spoilers and mature topics.

If you don't know what to ask about, just think of it as talking to a friend. Is there any advice you need? Or maybe you just want to chat? Is there something the character did that makes you curious? Do you want to know what a character would do in a certain type of situation? Ask away!

Margaret Xenakis →

Markus Xenakis/Maximus Smith →

Harry Potter →

Draco Malfoy →

Fred Weasley →

Sirius Black →

Albus Dumbledore →

Other →

Be creative! I'm looking forward to see what you'd like to ask the characters if you had the chance! Feel free to consider the answers as additional info for the canon of the story.

- April.

I answered as many as I could! This is already over 6K words long LoL Thanks for all the questions, everyone! We'll do this again some time. :D

Margaret Xenakis

ichhadhari: How did you come up with her name?

Author: I came up with the nickname 'Maggie' first. I contemplated 'Meg' for a while before finally landing on Margaret. I also wanted a name that sounded like or was similar in meaning to the name 'Morgana'. You'll find out why in the Prologue of Book 3 ;)

YnInbangtanworld: will she ever make some hasty decision which would eventually cause a big burn to her planning in this upcoming book ?? just curious

Author: That would certainly make things interesting. I happen to love interesting. Book 3 won't be as predictable, mishaps are the best way to bring in unpredictability in my opinion. There is a lot of opportunity to explore the Wizarding World well past Hogwarts now, and I intend to make full use of it.

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