¶| MY BULLY¶| [KTH FF] 15

Start from the beginning

Taehyung: Y/NAH

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Taehyung: Y/NAH.....Y/N....where are youu...please Answer Me.....

Taehyung: Y/N.....!!! "He was shouting your name again and again....but you ran away"



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"You are still ....stuck in the forest unconsciously....you are laying at the ground"

"After.... sometimes the light of the sun ...falls on your face which makes you wake-up"

You: Where I am "holding your head"

"You try to wake up...from the ground.... As your whole body is aching ...due to pain...."

You: Taehyung....*sobs* where are you...pleasee come...I miss you....*sob*

You: UnNIEeeeee....OPaaA...*you try to shout*

................ Evening Time.................

"It's..... Evening again....and you are still stuck in this forest.... without eating and drinking....your energy is all down now"

"It's all night now" ....and cold too...

"You are trying...to rub....two stones each other...so that u can ...make fire and warm yourself...with a light "

"After... you hear a loud Thunderstorm.....that made you flinch soo hard....."

"You try to cover yourself...with your hands...."

"After..... Some minutes.....you feel a water drop ....on your nose"

"It's started raining...now and you ....are sitting with your knee folded....in the rain and your tears also flowing...."

You pov: I was .... crying! In the forest....in rain, it was so silent....only sound of rain and thunderstorms...but after i started... hearing some sounds...."

"Some footsteps...sounds coming to myself.....i covered myself...all thinking... it's definitely an animal...who will try to attack me...but-"

Taehyung: Y/NNNN........

"After.... listening..to his.....
sound....your happiness and hope again .... develop...and you call him back"

Y/n: Taehyungggggg......I AM HEREE....!! *you wave at him*

Taehyung: Y/NNNN......

"He....comes near you .....and you both hug.... tightly to each other...."

*"You both started crying...in mess*"

You: *sob* w~where were yo~uu T~taehyung...i miss~.....

"Before ..... completing...your sentence...you faint in taehyung 's arms"

you faint in taehyung 's arms"

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Taehyung: I miss you too y/n...*sob*

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