"Nothing's up Sam, calm down. I'm fine. It does that a lot. My arm is heavy, and it starts to pull away. There's nothing to worry about, okay. I'm not hiding anything. This is normal for me. Now will you let me go?" Her eyes turned grey. And I knew if I didn't let go, she would make me let go.

I immediately released my grip, and Bucky started rubbing where I had grabbed her

"If something is seriously wrong, I'll tell you Sam. Don't worry about me so much." With that, she walked away.

Why can't she see that's all I can do? Is worry about her. I want to make sure she stays safe from hydra. How can I do that though, when she wont let me in?

Before heading inside, I looked at the place that we buried Logan and Chase. The hammock was right next to it, and now it makes sense why she was down here in the first place. She wanted to be close to them. After all, they were practically her last family. I breathed a heavy sigh, feeling guilty that we killed them. When they didn't even know about the hunting life.

I headed back inside, and noticed that Bucky was already starting to make the tea. When I saw that she had trouble reaching the top shelf, I grabbed the kettle with ease. Although Bucky was an assassin, she was much shorter than me. Maybe about five foot three or four. Yet she could take a full grown man down in one punch. When she looked up, she gave me a small smile.

"Thanks, Winchester."

I smiled in response. It seemed like Bucky was more comfortable with us, then when she first met us. She still was a little tense, everywhere she walked. I could see it in her eyes. They would avert in every possible direction, as if someone around the next corner would kill her.

She placed a glass of tea in front of me, and took the spot at the table across from me.

"I uh...thanks for last night. I just uh, didn't want to be alone last." She rushed her words together.

"It's okay, Bucky. I'm right here for you. Anything you need. I promise." I wanted her to be able to get comfortable with Dean and I. "I was thinking, maybe we could look for any possible hunts today. Get you back in the swing of things."

"Yeah, that would be pretty fun. A hunt would be able to get my mind off of things. That sounds okay. As long as I don't have to talk to people." She whispered the ending.

"Why not?"

"I don't trust myself around people. Being what I am, I'm afraid I'll hurt someone. The littlest thing could tick me off, and I don't know how to stop myself if I loose control." She told me quietly. As if she was telling me a secret.

"Well, that's what Sammy and I are here for. To help you." Dean said, his voice distant at first, but louder as he stepped into the kitchen.

I spun around in my chair, not aware of his original presence. Seeing the look on Bucky's face, told me that she heard him coming down the stairs or even opening his bedroom door.

"Not if I loose control." She mumbled.

"Well, that won't happen Barnes. When Cas and I pinned you down when you were Winter soldier, Cas took the serum out of your system. You won't turn into a mindless assassin. Cas promised me that you won't turn into the other girl again." Dean responded to her mumble.

"It's like poison. It will never truly leave my body. I could still loose control again. Especially if something ticks me off. Thank you for trying though." She told us.

"Well I'm not giving up yet, Barnes." Dean said, taking a swig of his favorite beer.

Everything was silent from there on. Nobody didn't need to say anything really. There was nothing to say. We all just sat there, drinking our beverages. Bobby eventually came down, and started a pot of coffee. For the most part, it stayed quiet. That is until Rumsfeld started barking his head off.

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