Start from the beginning

As the taxi pulls away, Y/N sees the firefighters coming out, carrying the eels that are lying dead. She ducks her ears and turns to see her father who only seems interested in her business.

Blitzø: Byyyyye! And, don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is freee!

Moxxie: When did we start implementing that deal?

Blitzø looks at him with contempt and grabs his face pulling him closer.

Blitzø: When you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT, YOU FUCKIN' DIPSHIT!!

The Imp pushes his employee, while yelling in the open.

Blitzø: Now, someone PLEASE tell me that fancy book is still intact!

Loona types on her phone and without looking Blitzø in the face she pulls out the grimoire in front of them.

Loona: You mean... our only ticket to the other side? Yeah. Got it.

The Imp approaches his daughter, full of pride, he seems to want to say something until he looks at Y/N out of the corner of his eye, then he clears his throat and takes a more professional stance.

Blitzø: Good job Looney!

Loona remains indifferent as usual until Blitzø pulls out a bone-shaped dog treat, something that catches the little hellhound's attention.

Blitzø: You get a tweat, now!

Loona: Ew. Stop.

Y/N: Ooh! I want it!

The hellhound pup jumps up and down looking at the dog treat. Blitzø is taken by surprise by such absurd enthusiasm, while for Loona it becomes overwhelming.

Loona: That's dog food, not candy, asshole.

Blitzø narrows his eyes and cuts the dog treat in half and gives a piece to Y/N, more out of curiosity than kindness. The little hellhound grabs it with joy.

Y/N: Woah! Thanks!!

She eats the dog treat and immediately scrunches her nose and narrows her eyes, spitting out the treat in complete disgust, before desperately wiping her tongue with her hands.

Blitzø laughs at the puppy's reaction and when she realizes that she is being watched, she stands up straight and rubs her belly.

Y/N: Mmmm y-yummy!

Millie giggles at the young hellhound's obvious lie. However Loona purses her mouth in disgust.

Loona: How fucking disgusting.

Blitzø: Well, not everyone can have good taste.

The Imp throws his part of the treat into the air and catches it with his tongue, like a frog. He pulls it into his mouth and chews. The adult hellhound backs away from her adoptive family as she opens the book as Y/N stares amazed at Blitzø's move.

Loona: Says the one who likes to chew tobacco as if it were gum.

Despite the tension in that three demons family, and the fact that his boss wants to kill him for burning down the headquarters, Moxxie ventures to approach him and interrupt whatever they're doing.

Moxxie: We should be leaving now, sir.

Blitzø turns to see him, still with contempt but nods, agreeing with him.

Blitzø: It's true, I'll go with you.

Loona: WHAT?!

Everyone turns to see the adult hellhound who shuts the book and faces the boss.

Loona: No you won't, it's your turn to deal with this thing today, remember?

Loona points to Y/N even though she is in front of them. The little hellhound just curiously looks at the scene.

Blitzø: Yeah Looney, I remember, and I'd take care of her today. But after the FUCKING MESS Moxxie did, we better give this client priority unless we want her to give us a bad review.

He gives Moxxie another glare and leans into his daughter to whisper in her ear, still loud enough for everyone to listen.

Blitzø: Also, I have to make sure little-dick Moxx doesn't fuck up.

Moxxie lowers his tail to the floor and looks away annoyed, while his wife holds his hand somewhat uncomfortable by the situation. She'd offer to "supervise" her husband to spend time together like last time, but Blitzø's the boss.

Seeing that no one complains, not even M&M that Loona knows they're fed up with Blitzø, she growls, rolling her eyes.

It's as if the fight she had with him last night didn't mean anything and now he's asking her to take care of the irritating gray furball again. Y/N steps forward and pulls on Blitzø's suit to get his attention.

Y/N:What if I go with you?

Blitzø: Of course not, you're still an amateur.

Y/N: Oh..

The little hellhound looks down in disappointment. The Imp boss sees her beloved eldest daughter again and with a little more patience tries to convince her.

Blitzø: We'll trade days just this once, I'll train her when it's your turn, okay? I'll pay you extra-..

Loona: Whatever, just go.

The Imp feels his heart sink when listening to his Looney Tooney in this way, however, by being in front of his employees, he won't allow himself to be demotivated.

He stands up straight and hides his personal problems by turning around with a cocky smile.

Blitzø: You're right sweetie! We're wasting time!

He pats the little hellhound on the head before facing his employees.

Blitzø: Stay here and take care of your sister.

Not knowing who that order was addressed to, Loona and Y/N turn to look at each other confused.

The adult hellhound rolls her eyes and opens the book to open the portal to the world of the living. Blitzø heads towards M&M and puts his hand on Moxxie's face, who struggles to walk to Millie.

Blitzø: Now, let's go lick some ass!

Millie: The expression is "kick some ass"... Blitzø.

The girl Imp snaps her fingers at his boss as she walks through the portal.

Blitzø: Mine's better.

Blitzø lets go of Moxxie's face and also walks through the portal, letting his employee walk through at the end, he sighs and groans dejectedly.

Moxxie: Aww.. fuck.

The portal closes immediately after the last Imp walks through it, leaving Y/N no time to admire the human world as always. She lowers her ears, her desire to cross that portal grows and grows.

The little hellhound turns to see her sister who's heading to pay the Imp firefighters with the money that Blitzø entrusted to her.

However, her attention is fixed on that big magical book. Y/N wags her tail as she smiles. Maybe she can find a way to see that world a little better.

Helluva Boss X Reader (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now