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/This one is gonna be a yandere au so if anyone is uncomfortable with that then i recomend you to skip/

It was a normal school day. He would wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, survive 8 hours of classes and go home to do homework. But this time, it was different...

Seven's POV (finally)

It was another typical Tuesday where I would have to do my morning routine, go to school, finish it, go home, study and sleep, if I had time of course. The only reason why I already didnt quit highschool is because I had friends there that would make every second spent rotting in that hellhole of a building worth it. As I was lost in my thoughts, I arrived in front of the school. I saw my friends talking about something, but I couldn't quite hear about what.

"Heyy man, how's it goin'?" Six, my childhood friend walked up to me. "You know— the usual." I responded awkwardly not knowing how to keep the conversation flowing.

"H-Hey..." Veronica, Six's second closest friend greeted. I heard Six whispering something in her ear but again, I couldn't hear what.

Six's POV

"Now's your chance girl, just go for it."
I urged Veronica. "Seven...d-do you maybe wanna go see a movie a-after school?" She nervously fiddled with her sleeves. I did see Mono glaring at her with some..weird stare? But I couldn't care less, I was happy for my best friend.

Mono's POV

I was FURIOUS. HOW DARE SHE ASK SEVEN OUT? MY SEVEN?! i wanted to do something. Something to show that I care about Seven more than anyone could. I needed to do something. I thought about confessing to Seven first, but I was scared. What if he rejects me? What if I ruin our friendship? Right now i needed to figure something else out now. I would just leave them be but my rage was stronger than my guilt. I will think of something later.

Seven's POV

"Sure." I anwsered dryly, not really interested in dates and such. I haven't told any of my friends yet but I'm gay, and I like Mono. I'm scared they will not accept me who I am and that they will leave me. Just then the bell rang.

Mono's POV

I thought about various ways to keep Veronica away from Seven but none of them would seem to work...unless I rely on some more... brutal methods. I asked the teacher to be excuesed to go to the bathroom but instead I headed for the cooking club (ik this is like yandere simulator but like i have no other idea what to write and yandere simulator is what this whole chapter is based on). I grabbed the knife and some cleaning supplies from the janitor's closet and put a note in Veronica's locker saying to meet her on the roof. I prepared everything and visualized how the situation would go;

Veronica would find a note in her locker and go to the roof, then i would walk up behind her with the knife and stab her, then get rid of the evidence and go back to finish the rest of the classes.

After i finished I walked back to class with an already prepared excuese.

"You're late." The teacher said, almost growled (bark bark). "I'm sorry, some teacher needed help with printing papers because the printer broke so I had to help." I explained, walking back to my seat. The class ended fairily quickly which i was hoping for. Time to put my plan into action.

Nobody's POV

"Dude this lesson was soooo boringggg.." Six whined. "Im more worried about how the date is gonna go...i just hope i dont screw things u— wait what?" Veronica saw the letter. She opened the envelope and read the note out loud: "Dear Veronica
Please, meet me at the rooftop at 8:30 i need to discuss a personal matter with you. Hope you'll be there.

"Six, I think I should go alone, sorry."
"No no it's alright don't apologize, careful" Six sighed "don't worry, i'll be fine"

-timeskip bought to you by my messed up sleep scedule and no will to live-

Mono's POV

I watched behind the corner as Six and Veronica talked about the note. Finally, they separated from eachother and Veronica walked up the stairs. I followed behind her until we finally reached the rooftop.

"Oh Mono, so you wanted to meet me? Say, what did you want to talk about?" She asked with a hint of confusion and excitement in her voice. "Seven." I coldly responded. "Eh..? W-what about him?" She started getting nervous and a pink tint appeared on her face. "I know you like him." "Y-you do? Ohhh this is so embarrassinggg..." she groaned, embarrassed and clearly wanting this conversation to end. She turned around...

And Mono stabbed her.

"You can't have him."





(see what i did there?)

Veronica dropped dead to the ground with a loud thud. I quickly hid my knife and wiped the blood off my clothing, then i grabbed a garbage bag and put her corpse in it. After i mopped the blood off the floor and i was good to go. I laughed maniacally, knowing I just killed someone. But it wasn't long before i knew it, someone was watching it all. I took a closer look and realised it was Six. 

She was on the verge of tears, breath shaky and uneven, her whole body trembling with fear. She stood there paralyzed, afraid. I walked closer and closer and when I almost grabbed her she ran away. I managed to catch up to her but after a long chase and some dirty looks recieved from the people passing by. I took her arm and dragged her in the janitor's closet. Then I hugged her.

"Everything's gonna be alright, I know it's difficult but try to forget it all." I reassured her, but she fought back. "No, nothing is ever gonna be alright after this! Do you think killing Veronica will fix everything?!" She sobbed even louder, tears falling. She would probably tell Seven about this anyway so i had to do the only reasonable thing.

"I knew you'd die within my arms."

I stared at the corpse emotionlessly. I couldn't bring myself to cry or do anything. I just left it there. I walked out of the janitor's closet and to my suprise i saw Seven standing in front.

"Hey, i saw you run to the janitor's closet so i wanted to check up on you. Is everything alright?" He asked clearly worried. God how I loved his voice, he sounds like in angel when he talks.

"Yeah, uh sorry but im in a hurry and i have to go. See ya later!" I ran away. If he finds out, I'm dead so I might aswell take the risk and confess to him. But as I was about to plan out how to do so, I heard distant sirens.

Police sirens.


Author's note: bro i got so much first hand embarrassment while writing the confession and like i was gonna flip if i had to write one more "dear ___" and i literally dunno where i was goin with this story like it was supposed to be a dark sinister snap-mode fanfic of a game of a cat and mouse but instead its just a maniac chasing you with a knife trough bloody halls and everything and you hiding trying to escape but its currently 4am and im running on 2 sips of water and no food whatsoever so uhh yea i decided for the story to have a happy end BUT i liked the 1st idea better because i am that person to like gory stuff and blood dont judge me im gonna get some sleep

Or not


(Update: i updated this to a different ending up to interpretation because idk i was thinking about it for like months straight and all)

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