Taking a seat at the table Ky began looking at the papers contents. Coming from behind him, Kiana looked at the paper and said, 

"Look's like we have the same classes." 

"Is that so." 

"You bet it is, I'll be capable of showing all my skills now." 

"You better not disappoint me then." 

"You won't be!" leaving Ky and heading over to where Mei is. 

Refocusing on what he was doing earlier and waited for the tailor to come. 

20 minutes later 

Having finished going over his schedule Ky was now having a drink, with Himeko joining him recently. Taking a sip of his tea and gauging the temperature before saying, 

"So you're a teacher here."

"I'm squad leader of these kids as well." 

"Do you enjoy it?"

"Enjoy teaching? I do, but sometimes they can be a real pain in my ass." 

"I get what you're talking about. I have a little bit of teaching experience myself." 

"You do? Doing what." 

"Nothing much. Basic exercises and tactical training." 

"That's better than nothing. You could have also taught some of the more complicated topics." 

"I don't think I would've been capable of that. There were far better and more experienced warriors in the Sacred Order." 

"Don't cut yourself short, you're plenty skilled. Besides, at least you didn't have to deal with anyone who wasn't paying attention." sending a look in the direction of Kiana. 

"At least they have the heart and drive." 

"That they do." 

Finishing the can of beer she had, Himeko there it away and got another can from the fridge. Watching her as she cracked open the can and took a drink from it Ky said to her, 

"You shouldn't drink too many of those. They can be serious detriment to your health." 

Slamming the can on the table Himeko said,

"Be quiet. When you're in this line of work, you've got to enjoy life as much as you can." 

"I understand that, I just believe that there are better options than becoming a drunkard." 

Piping up from the couch Theresa said, 

"He's right Himeko. You better tone it down on the amount of alcohol you drink. And someones coming over, this better be the last one."

 "Yeah, I get it." taking a long drink from the can. Turning to Theresa Ky said,

"What is the tailor like." 

"Their really skilled at what they do for how long they've been doing it." 

"They haven't working with you for long." 

"They've worked long period. They showed up around eight months ago and we've worked together for around six months." 

"Certainly impressive to be able to reach their position in such a short amount of time." 

"I know right. And they're a great person to be around with to." 

The conversation ended as they were interrupted by a doorbell ring. Getting up from where she was Theresa said,

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