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Hey guys,

Before I start this chapter I wanted to tell you I'm going to change how I do the time skips.

Instead of it being'---Time skip---" I think I'm just going to do something like '---------'or whatever.

I Just thought I'd let you know so you aren't confused..



Waking up this morning felt off.

Like I knew something was going to happen.. I don't even know how to explain this feeling. LIke Déjà vu.

Turning over to get out of bed, I grab my phone in the process. Duh. What teenager doesn't go straight for their phone in the morning??

"3 TEXT MESSAGES FROM 'RORY." It lit up on my screen.

I sigh. 'Do I even want to entertain him?'.   I really like Rory but it feels as if he doesn't like me.
After we both got turned I thought we had something. Like SOMETHING. I felt it. After the pep rally, Rory seemed more interested in me. But it's probably because the "girl" (Really it was just Benny dressed as a chick) he liked moved away.


I swipe open my phone to view his messages.


Hey, Y/n!

Are you coming to school today??

I have something I want to tell you....


My heart dropped. 'Something to tell me?' Is he going to apologize for being distant? Ditching me all the time? Thousands of thoughts raced through my head as I was getting ready for school. Unintentionally rushing, I left my cousin Ethan behind in the house as I walked to school.


Walking into the school, I see hundreds of students lined up. Male students I should say. This school is full of those male pigs. I can already assume we have a hot new student or teacher.

Much to my surprise though I was wrong. As I was making my way to the beginning of the HUGE line, Im immediately hit with a sweet smell. Blood.

Standing in the doorway of the classroom I see nurses drawing blood from many of the male student body. Mouth agape, I feel someone approach next to me.

"Pretty cool right?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

I turn my head to make eye contact with a familiar male blonde.

"Very impressive." I say coldly.  The Blonde frowns.

"What's your problem Y/n?" He asks, Concerned, But his voice slightly raises.

"You. You're my problem." I say, in a hushed tone. I see the heads of the nurses and my peers looking right at us. I grab Rory's hand and drag him to somewhere more private.

Arriving into a more secluded area he speaks up again. "How am I your problem? You barely even talk to me anymore!" He yells at me.

"Rory. All you ever do is blow me off and lead me on. We make plans and you cancel for another girl. Am I not even important enough to you? Do you not respect my feelings at all? I thought we had something together. I thought you-" He cut me off.

"Y/n. You are important to me, You're like family to me. I didn't know you felt that way." Rory says, looking ashamed.

"Rory. Are you seriously that dumb?" I ask him.

Vampire Ninja -Rory Keaner x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now