Thinking about it scared me. Knowing that soon, I would have to move away and start my own life. I would be leaving behind everything I've ever known. Away from my friends, family, and Charleston.

Kylie's lip thinned, more than likely thinking of the same thing I was. "At least we'll have each other. Where you go, I go."

"And where you go...I go too." I giggled, linking my pinkie with hers.

"Kylie! It's time to go!" we heard Uncle Brandon yell. A pout formed on Kylie's lips as I picked myself off the ground and offered her my hand. "We still on for that sleepover this weekend?" I asked, "Papa Gabe is going to re-do our nails." I winced, looking down at my chipped acrylic nails.

"You bet your ass I'll be there." Kylie said, cringing at her own black nails, "Our manicures look like shit." I murmured, pulling Kylie into a hug. "See you later." I said, waving to her as she climbed into the Toma's SUV.

"Love you!" Kylie screamed, hair flying out the window as they coasted down the driveway. "LOVE YOU TOO!" I yelled, waving both of my arms. Papa North walked to my side and gave me a soft smile.

"C'mon kid, let's get you inside. Your mom's wanting you to try a new recipe she's perfecting." His giant hand rested on the top of my head and ran his fingers through my long hair. "Papa North?"


"Do you think I could dye my hair?" I asked, picking up a strand of my light hair and tugging it. Papa North barked out a loud chuckle, "Maybe. But don't let Gabe hear to talk about that." He winked, "Just go and do it before he finds out."

"I may." I nodded, my lips forming a natural pout, "Papa Gabe would skin me alive."

Opening the front door, I stepped inside the large foyer and took off my shoes, exchanging them for my slides.

"Mama! I'm back!" I yelled, in the Blackbourne house, and with eleven people and Max in the house, you'd have to yell to be heard. Papa North placed his hand on my shoulders and steered me out of the living room, past the empty dining room, and into the new state-of-the-art kitchen.

Our kitchen was big before, I didn't understand why Mama and the other wanted to completely renovate it. Stepping inside the kitchen, Mama was standing at the stove, wearing one of her usual summer dresses and sandals. Her hair, the same shade and length as mine, was pulled away from her youthful face.

Smiling widely, Mama turned around and scurried across the kitchen and pulled me into her arms. Mama gently placed a kiss on my head, "Did you apply your SPF before going outside?"

Giving her a tiny smile, I pulled the small bottle of prescription sunscreen Papa Sean gave to me. "I did, Mama."

Mama nodded approvingly, "Good, it's only noon—and the sun's been getting brighter." She sighed, "I'll ask Sean to get you another bottle of it soon. We wouldn't want you running out."

Papa North threw back his head and roared with laughter, "Sang. Baby, she's not going to get skin cancer from sitting outside for thirty minutes."

"You never know what happens." Mama shoots back, outraged. She soon calms down as Papa North brings her into a kiss. "Ew." Cringing, I turned away from the scene and scuttled to the stove, peering down into large metal pot.

"What is that?" I ogled the soup inside the pot. "It's Jjamppong." Mama grinned proudly, "I'm making it for our new neighbors."

I was stunned, eyes wide, I looked back into the pot, "Since when do we have new neighbors?"

Mama grinned slyly, "Since they moved down the road—remember when the carpenters were building the house? The place is done being built and guess what? The family moved from Korea!" She squealed excitedly as I watched her, warily.
"They got here yesterday."

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