She Strikes Again

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Thank you so much for 1k reads,I know it isn't alot but I didn't even expect 50 reads. So thank you so much and I won't rant about it <3

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Chapter 4 She Strikes Again

  Whilst on my way to the lockers to meet the others, it's not hard for me to miss the glares that I'm shot from every girl in the corridor — I figured that they all disliked me because I was with Jace, whom apparently (according to Emma Carstairs) was now the most popular and most desired boy in the school. I didn't feel comfortable without him by my side, re-assuring me that it was okay.

  I was tripped up by someone, dropping my bag and books. I watch them fall to the floor at my feet.

  I didn't need to think twice about who it was.

  I push my hair out of my face to see Kaelie Whitewillow, and three of her followers stood behind her.

  "Oops, don't trip, Hunny," Kaelie choruses.

   "Kailie, back off," I retort.

   "Or else what?," she fires back.

   Oh, I think to myself, how I wish I could show you what my 'or else what' looks like.

   "Don't start on me just because I have something you can't have for once in your life," I say, with a bored tone.

   Her lips quirk up into a snarky smile, "Tell me, Clary, who is it who said I can't have him?"

   "You must be kidding yourself."

   Her smile drops. "He will be mine. He doesn't deserve a scrawny, pale, freckled girl like you," she spits. "He deserves me. Look at youself and face reality. He's using you, and it's only a matter of time before you're not what he wants anymore."
   She finds my reply in my silence, I figure, and as soon as she goes on to speak another word, I regret not defending myself.
   "Now wake up sunshine!', she continues, "I'm what he wants."

   My eyes brim with tears, and one spills down my cheek. I know that she's not right, and I know that Jace does love me, but it's true that when somebody reawakens every flaw that you battle your mind from facing, your weakness reawakens, too.
   Me and Jace were unbreakable, especially compared to such an insignificant high-school rift, but for a moment I can't help but to believe that every word that had just left Kaelie's mouth was true — he didn't deserve me, he deserved much more. I wasn't beautiful. He could have anyone in this school and they would fall at his feet for him.

   It is now that I remember that I am only a hall's length away from Jace and my friends, and my eyes meet Izzy's gaze. Simon closes his locker, and they all start towards me. I read the countless confused signals that they all flash me, looks of concern and care; now I feel it is pointless for me to feel this way, but my heart cannot, and quite stupidly, manage to press the feelings down.

  Without allowing another second to pass with their eyes on me, I run into the bathroom.
   As soon as the door slams behind me, I fall and cry.

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