Prologue Pt 1. A Freaky Loner Like me

Start from the beginning

Jake made it to his destination for lunch; the roof. The one place his bullies and the rest of the world didn't, and couldn't, bother him.

He'd see Zoey soon, but sitting on the roof was easier than chilling in lunch. That girl...why she helped him, he would never know, but what he did know was that she shouldn't.

"It's better this way,"  Jake thought, "If that girl tries to even talk to me or even befriend me, she'll be a laughingstock-"  Jake paused his thinking. He realized something.

"I shouldn't put any hope into her trying to be my friend. Heck. I bet she was trying to help some other kid,"  Jake thought.

"Not a freaky loner like me."


Hailey sat down at the lunch table and began eating her sandwich. She didn't even notice the pink-haired girl sitting across from her as her thoughts racked up.

"Who was that guy?"  Hailey thought, "He seemed so...used to being bullied."  Hailey thought.

"Um, Hailey?"

Hailey snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Milly looking at her with a confused expression.

"You okay? You seem to be out of it," She said, then gasped, "Do you have a crush on someone?!" She exclaimed, and Hailey blushed.

"What is this that I'm hearing about Hailey having a crush?" Luke asked as he and Zander sat down, Sean and Lia joining on the other side soon after.

"W-what! No!" Hailey exclaimed, "It's just...I saw this guy getting bullied, but when I was finally able to help him, he didn't want any." Hailey explained, and the others looked a little surprised.

"What did the kid look like?" Lia asked, "Tall, short,...handsome?" Hailey blushed, noticing Lia and Milly were still on the topic of crushes.

"He was tall, peach hair, and..." Hailey paused, "Hey, I think that's him." Hailey pointed to the guy talking with Zoey.

"Oh, Jake Sterling," Lia said, and Hailey looked confused.

"Who is he?" Hailey asked, and the others looked pretty shocked. Well, except Sean, "What?"

"How do you not know who he is?!" Milly exclaimed, "He's the most hated kid in the school, even when he's the quarterback!"

Hailey was shocked, "Well, I'm never really into the school drama or who's the most hated, but why is he disliked?" Hailey asked.

"Don't know, really," Luke said, "I think rumors were spread out about him, and then people just started to dislike him. Not sure why Zoey talks with him." 

"Well, Zoey's always a mystery," Lia said, and Milly scoffed.

"More like a snake that's poisonous to everything it touches," Milly said, and Lia laughed.

Hailey tuned out the other conversations, glancing at the guy talking with Zoey.

She wanted to know who he was and why? She doesn't know herself.

Hoped you all enjoyed the prologue. This was an idea I had for a while, and I'm glad to put it out there.

Hope you enjoy it.

See ya next time pals

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