Appa began to let out a few sniffles before sneezing, the boy ducks just Intime and the snot flies by and lands on Sokka. "Ah! uh, ah! He falls to the floor and tries rubbing to snot off of him. The boy smiles before saying, "Don't worry, it'll wash out. So, do you guys live around here?" he asked. Sokka points his stick at the boy. "Don't answer that. Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the Fire Navy." Oh ye. I'm sure he's a spy for the fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eyes" Katara responds with a little sass. The boy gives a cheeky grin towards Katara. "The paranoid one is my brother Sokka. You never told us your name."

"I'm ah-ah Achewwwwww! and blasts himself into the air, before landing back on the ice and smiles. "My name is Aang. The two siblings has a look of shock on their faces. "You just sneezed and flew 10 feet into the air." Sokka points up to the sky. "Really, I thought it was higher than that. He looks up. "Oh! Your an airbender." Katara gaps. "Sure am." he responded. "Giant light beams, flying bison, airbender--I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going home where stuff makes sense." Sokka begins to walk away from Aang and Katara. Sokka stops when he reaches the end of the ice cap to the iceberg. "Well, if you guys are stuck, Appa and I could give you a lift. Aang turns around and jumps on top of Appa. "We'd love a ride. Thanks." Katara smiled. "Oh no, I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster." Sokka hesitates. "Are you hoping some other kind of monster comes along and give you a ride home? You know, before you freeze to death." Katara retracts her arms out to her side.

Sokka gives Katara a deadpanned look "Ah--*sighs*. "Ok, first time flyers, hold on tight. Appa! Yip yip!" Sokka crosses his arms with a pout across his face. Appa jumps in to the air but drastically falls into the water. "Come on Appa, Yip yip." Sokka responds, "Wow, that was truly amazing." he said with sarcasm. Katara glares at him. "Appa's just tired. A little rest and he'll be soaring through the sky. You'll see." he smiles and looks towards Katara. "Why are you smiling at me light that? she asked raising her eyebrow. "O-oh, I was just smiling." Sokka groans "ARGH! and lead his head back against the Appa's saddle.

The scene change back to Prince Zuko's Fire Navy boat. Zuko was glancing at the scene in front of him when his Uncle comes out and says [Yawn] Yep. A man needs his rest. Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if you're right. And the Avatar is alive, you won't fine him. You Farther, Grandfather, and Great- Grandfather all tried and failed." he spoke. "Because their honour didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture. Mine does. This coward's hundred years old in hiding is over. " Zuko replied.

Aang, Katara and Sokka were still crossing the sea on the top of Appa. Katara crawls to the end of Appa's saddle. "Hey." She looks at Aang. "Hey. What you thinking about?" he said relaxing on his back with his heads behind his head. "I guess I was just wondering. Your being an airbender and all...If you had any idea what happened to the Avatar." she questioned. "Uh...No. I didn't know him. I mean I knew people that knew him. But I didn't. Sorry." He frowns before smiling at her. "Ok, just curious. Goodnight." She replied before moving further back onto the saddle. "Sleep tight." Aang turns around with a grimacing look on his face.

[Thunder and lighting] "Ahh!" Aang looks around and sees the skies are grey and thunder started to strike around him and before he knew it. "AHH"! He screamed as him and Appa was plummeting, landing into the sea. They both reached the surface with Appa letting out a growl. Before another wave took them under. Aang started out as conscious and started drifting away from Appa. Just before he got away from Appa. His eye and arrow begins to glow. creating a big ball of ice. Much like the iceberg only with a bright blue light. "Aang. Aang, wake up!" "Ahh" he gasped for air. "It's ok" he looks over to see Katara kneeling beside him with a smile on her face. "We're in the village now. Come on get ready point outside of the tent "Everyone is waiting for you."

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