Introduction :3

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Hello guys! Welcome to my third book, if you haven't read my first one [countryhumans x reader oneshots] then thats fine I guess lol. I am still working on your requests I promise, and I will work on this book a little later, and If you're one of the people who saw or even read my cringe OC x countryhumans story I am so sorry for your eyes, that was very cringe plez fogive meh- I wrote it so that my friend and I could read our trash when we are older. Ahem- now I am in a phase where I am OBSESSED with a country, aaaaand I haven't been this obsessed my entire life, lol- this time it's Canada and I hope you enjoy the journey UwU

Now, for y'all who don't know yet:

(F/D) = favorite drink

(F/F) = favorite food

(Y/N) = Your name

(N/N) = Nickname

(L/ N) = Last name

(H/C) = hair color

(E/C) = eye color

Have fun!

{A Shy Love} : A Countryhumans Canada x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now