One: Adam Meets Eve

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From dust Adam was made by God. Then God created the perfect Garden of Eden and made it Adam's home. It was a place filled with unimaginable splendor, fresh water flowing freely, lush vegetation, and friendly animals. Beauty and adventure in abundance were spread out before him. The golden, warm sunlight by day, and moon light by night, along with crystal clear waters for bathing and drinking were all his to enjoy. The lush land provided not only a gorgeous landscape, but also more than enough nourishing food for him and the living creatures of every shape and size that roamed freely along with him. Adam was happy, and God, his creator, the creator of it all, saw that it was good. From nothing, and in only six days God created with His words all of heaven and earth, a world more amazing than anyone could fathom. The garden was a magnificently beautiful paradise made specifically for Adam to rule. God saw that it was good and was very pleased.

Adam, in all the perfection of the immaculate garden, lacked only one thing- a companion. He needed someone to comfort him, to love, and laugh with. He needed someone to share his life with and ultimately with whom to reproduce. God saw the need and took a rib from Adam. Along with Adam's rib He packaged up a whole bunch of love, emotions, beauty and a great big heart to create a female. Her name was Eve, a name that meant mother of all the living. Adam was very happy with his female companion. He felt complete when he saw her and immediately claimed her as his saying, "She is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh." They lived happily in the garden as husband and wife - God's union: the two become one flesh.

On the seventh day God rested, he blessed the day as one of rest and made it holy.

Adam and Eve spent their days eating perfect, nutritious food from the various trees surrounding the garden. Fear and evil did not exist in the land, only peace and happiness. They loved each other and spent carefree days playing with the many animals, giving them names as they saw fit. They bathed in the crystal clear water falls. They shared a cool drink from the fresh spring with a zebra, while a lion watched from above. Adam, I imagine, could be caught splashing around in the stream with a bear, while Eve enjoyed a ride on the back of an elephant. Their infectious laughter echoed through the land.

In all the perfect paradise there was only one thing that was denied of them, the fruit from the tree in the center of the garden. God made it very clear that they were not to eat from the tree or they would die. The tree was bountiful and tempting, but God provided more than enough for the happy couple and hoped they would choose to obey Him rather than fall into temptation. He gave them a choice, free will to do as they wished, while providing everything imaginable to please them and keep them away from the forbidden tree.

During that time, years of peace, and happiness - a sort of heaven on earth, were Adam and Eve's daily life. No cares, no worries, no evil. But just as temptations are known for, the tree of knowledge of good and evil sat there in the center, so lush and beautiful, pulling at them. As time passed on, the temptation, and curiosity of the forbidden tree weighed heavily on Eve. She thought about the exquisite taste she must be missing. After dwelling on it one day she talked it over with a serpent who lived nearby. He helped convince her that there was nothing wrong with taking of the tree. He deceived her and claimed that taking the fruit would not be the end, but in fact would give her unimaginable knowledge. The jovial anticipation of knowing more than possibly even God pushed Eve to want it more.

Reluctantly she took the fruit, then she shared some of it with Adam.

The first sin was committed.

(Life lesson: I believe when God, creator of all, gave Adam and Eve the choice to obey it was to be considered a gift. He wants us to choose Him rather than demand that we obey. He wants us to realize he provides absolutely everything we could want or need if we do make that conscious choice. It makes him happy when we make the right choice, especially when the temptation is pulling at us so hard. We need to be aware that everything we do in life is a choice, and when we choose God, he rewards us with more love, peace and happiness. However, when we choose the temptation, or sin, the choice itself will become a form of punishment. God loves us and will punish us when we do not obey. The most important thing, the thing we should remind ourselves of, is the very true fact that once we give in to temptation or sin, we will always find ourselves still searching for satisfaction. It will never end well, and will never be worth it.)

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