Restricted Sections & Poltergeists

Start from the beginning

"Hello you two" I beam at them.

"Hello Y/N we missed you at breakfast.. well some more than others" Ominis smiles chuckling slightly.

What's that supposed to mean?

"Oh I ate at the Gryffindor table this morning" I shrug and notice Sebastian roll his eyes.

"Traitor" he mocks winking at me.

"Speaking of being a "traitor" I'm off to meet Natty for revision" I smile sarcastically at him.

"Not too worry, Sebastian and I are on our way todo something anyway. Have fun" Ominis smiles and starts to leave.

"Actually... before I completely lose you to the Gryffindors" Sebastian sighs smirking "I need your help with something tonight-"

Sebastian looks concerned but before be continues his face changed to..  annoyed?

"Well well if it isn't my favourite Slytherin gal" Garreths voice loudly in my ear as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Can we help you?" Sebastian raises an eyebrow at him.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt, Y/N we're going to Hogsmead later on if you want to come" he shakes me enthusiasticly "we may need protecting from troll attacks" he laughs.

I chuckle but before I can respond Sebastian answers for me.

"I believe she's busy tonight, revision right?" Sebastian looks at me raising an eyebrow but with a hint in his look I should nod along.

"Ah yeah I was just telling Sebastian I'm stuck doing extra assignments tonight" I roll my eyes playing the part.

"Oh booooo! Well if you change your mind we'll be at the three Broomsticks" Garreth gives Sebastian a nod and a small smile my way before leaving.

"Revision? surely Sebastian Sallow isn't asking for help?" I try to hold back a giggle.

"Trust me even if I became THAT bad at positions I'd be asking Weasley before you, amateur" he smirks at me and I hold my heart pretending to be hurt.

"It's something else I need your help with but.. it's not exactly following the rules. I need help finding a book in the restricted section.. meet me by the library after curfew?" He looks at me pouting and holding his hands pretending to beg.

Sneaking around after curfew with Sebastian... count me in.

"Hmm I SUPPOSE I can risk a couple of hundred points from our house to help you" I shrug pretending to be unbothered, the corners of my mouth starting to smile.

"Yes! Now that's MY favourite Slytherin girl" he smiles widely "I'll see you tonight, I'll send you an owl with the meeting place and time" and he hurries off in Ominis's direction.

HIS favourite Slytherin girl? Surely he's not irritated at Garreths comment?.


I look at the time, I'm meeting Sebastian in 20 minuets, I had to give Imelda some bullshit excuse about having to finish my assignments before the morning otherwise she wasn't going to leave the common room.

I haven't seen Sebastian since dinner but imagine he's already at the waiting place. Sneaking out of the common room and into the hall I feel nervous, unsure if it's nerves for Sneaking around after curfew with the risk of getting caught or because I'll be all alone with Sebastian.

As I turn the corner and stand at the top of the stairs that lead down to the balcony above the Libary I see Sebastian. He's leaning against the bannister of the balcony with both arms, looking right up at me with a cheeky smile.

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