The Final Plan

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You sat in a spare room with Yelena as she slept, rolling a cigarette between your fingers 

You: How do people stomach these things? It's like-

Yelena: Like burnt newspaper

You glanced over at Yelena before sliding the cigarette in your pocket 

Yelena: That's what you were going to say right? Emiko used to say the same thing when she tried smoking 

She sat up and gave you a tired smile, you blinked at her slowly, your eyes looked empty and your breathing was...quiet. Yelena's smile faded as she stared down at your wide variety of injuries and slowly reached out to touch them

Yelena: You've been drained of all your energy, you can't even heal the smallest of wounds

She traced the cigarette burn in your hand with her finger 

Yelena: What is that man doing? A man so negligent isn't worthy of you, so why do you still...

You: Are you...talking about Armin?

Yelena:...As a person, I respect him immensely, but when it comes to being your lover-

You: Enough

Yelena's voice stopped in her throat, she swallowed hard and stood out of bed

Yelena: What you have with him has reduced you to this state! Your standing on the border between life and death not caring which way the wind blows you, and he's done nothing to help you!

Ignoring her words, you reach up and put a hand on her forehead 

You: Your fevers gone. We need you to tell us where Eren is going, I'll bring the others 

You stood up from your chair and began walking towards the door but Yelena suddenly caught your wrists and turned your around, attempting to press her lips to yours 

You: I'm not her

You press the pads of your fingers to her lips and gently push her away 

You: The love burning in your's not meant for me

Yelena: What?

You grab her wrists and gently wiggle your wrists out of her grip 

You: You didn't fall in love with me, you fell in love with Emiko. I know that seeing me creates the illusion that she's still here...but Emiko has been gone for a long time

Yelena: No...

She shook her head and grabbed your wrists again

Yelena: You've misunderstood me! I'll always love Emiko, but it's you I now have feelings for! Please believe me, don't leave me like she did!

She slid down to her knees as tears began to spill down her cheeks, you stared at the wall ahead of you as she cried, blinking slowly as grotesque images of Yelena flash through your mind 

You: [How anyone supposed to help me?]


???: Healed up already?

Armin: Huh? 

Armin stood above deck, blankly staring out at the sea, he turned to his right where Annie was sitting with her legs pulled up to her chest 

Armin: Annie? Yeah, Y/n healed me somehow 

Annie: She can do that now?

Armin: There are many things she can do now... though none of them have come without a great deal of suffering for her 

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