My heart was racing. I couldn't move my eyes from her face.

What the fuck was she talking about?!

Maddie’s eyes widened. She kept glancing from me to Max. I could hear her heavy breathing.

"Maddie?" Max called her as he tried to caress her cheek.

She flinched back.


What the hell?!

What the fuck did those fuckers tell her?!

"Please just let me leave." Maddie cried out as she grabbed the door handle and tried to open the door. "I won’t tell anyone anything. Please."

The door was locked, but she kept pulling on the handle. I could hear her sob a little.

I stopped her from pulling on the handle. I gently took her hand in mine.

She was full-on sobbing and shaking at that point.

Sam and Ryan were staring at her with anger written all over their faces.

They weren’t angry at her, though. The fuckers told her something.

Max was scared shitless.

"What did they tell you, Maddie?" I asked her softly. "Please, tell us."

She looked at me, and my heart broke. She looked so terrified.

"What did they say, Maddie?" I asked as I slowly lifted my hand. "We won’t hurt you, I promise."

I wiped the tears from her cheeks. She didn’t pull back, but she flinched.

I tried not to show how much it angered me.

I would fucking kill them. I would strangle them with my own bare hands.

"Whatever they said is not the truth, love." I said, giving her a small smile. "They lied to you."

She kept her eyes on me. She tried to take a deep breath, but it got caught in her throat.

"What did they say, Maddie?" I asked again as I pulled her into a hug.

She let me.

Thank fuck.

She was tense, and she didn’t hug me back, but she didn’t flinch or try to pull away. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back gently.

"What did they say?" I asked quietly.

"He said that you came to your senses and called them to get rid of me," Maddie said quietly.

I saw fucking red.

I looked up at Sam and Ryan. They were mumbling curses under their breath. Max looked like he was going to go back and shoot them.

"That’s not true, Maddie." I said, trying to keep the anger out of my voice. "We came for you. We love you so fucking much. We would never let anyone hurt you."

She sobbed a little.

"What else did they say?" I asked her.

"That no one ever wanted me." she mumbled, sobbing quietly.

"Oh, Mads." Max cried out as he wrapped his arms around us both. "That’s a lie. You are wanted. You are so loved."

Ryan and Sam kept clenching their fists. It was so hard for them to contain their anger, and I was glad that Maddie’s head was buried in my chest. I didn’t want her to see them and think that they were angry at her.

"They lied." I repeated. "Everything that they said was a lie, love. We want you. We love you. We would never hurt you."

Maddie sobbed again.

I wanted her to hug me back.

I rubbed her back and placed another kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you, Maddie." I said quietly. "So much."

"You are safe." Max mumbled. " We are not going to hurt you."

She looked up at me, and I wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"They lied, Maddie." I said gently. "They wanted you to feel sad and alone, but you are not alone. You have the four of us."

Sam and Ryan finally moved. Sam ran his fingers through her hair. Ryan rubbed her back gently.

"We are taking you somewhere safe, baby." Sam said gently. "We are hiding you until those fuckers are in jail."

Maddie kept her eyes on me. I smiled and nodded.

"They won’t hurt you again." I said as I kissed her forehead.

She sobbed as she leaned her head back on my chest and wrapped her arms around Max and me.

I relaxed instantly.

Max took a deep breath and kissed her temple.

"Drive, Ryan." Sam told him. "We need to go get our stuff and leave."

I tightened my arms around my sister and leaned my head on hers.

I was so fucking relieved.

I didn’t know what the fuck I would do if she was scared of me.

It would definitely break my heart.

AbandonedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora