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Heavy rain drops fell upon my forehead from above. The ground was wet and soft beneath my feet as I made my journey up the mountain alone. Not-so-distant rumbling in the distance reminded me the end of the world was mere hours away. Unless I could stop it.

My father may have been a selfish entitled pig of a man, but I could see no reason the rest of my kind should have to die for his sins. My twin brother Sorrel, had begged me not to go, forbidden me even, but I had a duty to my people and if I had to trade my life for theirs then so be it.

I had ridden my horse to the base of the mount before beginning the grueling journey. The path was clear but the hike was steep, and I had no time to rest. I had always been fascinated by tales of the lords, though that knowledge had held not much merit before. Now I was thankful, for I was at least somewhat accustomed with the courtesy of the lords, such as leaving your horse at the base of the mountain. Up until recently I, along with most of the rest of the kingdom, was under the impression that the lords weren't even real. That was how disconnected we all were from our origins. My father knew though, and he should've known better.

As I reached the top of the mountain I hesitated, before a flash of lightning pushed me to walk forward. If not for my people then for my brother, he deserved so much better than my father and his damnation. The end of the path was completely flat and perfectly round, encircled by large boulders. A flat stone engraved with a wisteria tree in the middle, and finally Lord Amar himself, perched upon his throne. He had no crown; he did not need one, he himself was the symbol of royalty. His eyes were a stormy blue, and his hair was as dark as a raven's feather. My breath caught in my throat as I quickly looked to the ground. I felt his eyes on me but heard no movement.

"Highest Lord, I have come to beg for my people's forgiveness-" I began, trying by best to keep my voice from wavering.

"If you're going to beg, do it on your knees." His voice was rich, and his tone was indecipherable. Whatever his intentions he seemed to be taking pleasure in my pathetic human weakness. It was if he was cruelly laughing at my attempt at pleading. I swallowed my pride and fell to my knees.

"Highest Lord, I have come to beg for my people's forgiveness. My father's sins are unforgivable but please, do not make my people pay the price for something they are not responsible for." I remained looking at the ground as I spoke, unsure if eye contact was disrespectful to lords or not, but also too afraid to meet his eye.

"Where were your people's protests when your father proposed such a law?" He asked tauntingly, poison dripping from every word.

"I beg your forgiveness Highest Lord, but until this very day I and my people alike were unaware of your existence other than that of a fairytale, another of my blood line's many sin against you." I dug my fingernails into the palms of my hands. A sudden wind blew over the hood of my cloak revealing my hazel hair. Hours ago it had been finely braided, woven with hibiscus and lilies from far-off lands for the midsummer ball. Now I was afraid it looked quite wilted, not exactly the attire to meet the Highest Lord in but it wasn't like I had another option.

His silence filled me with more dread than his voice. I took a deep breath, it was time to turn to my last resort. I reached into my boot for the knife I had concealed. I looked to face him. One of his eyebrows was raised in amusement as he observed the knife in my hand. I lifted the silver engraved blade to my neck until it was barely brushed against it.

"Take my blood as a sacrifice, take my father if you seek to, but let my brother live. I promise you he will be a better king than my father could ever be." I met his eye as I said this, waiting for his command.

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