Chapter 6: all in the name of love

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Angel pov)

I sigh as I walked the halls of Nazurick leaning against the wall. What I said to demiurge pained me to see his sad face but it was the truth, I was in love with Vlad and I couldn't hide my feelings anymore. It was too painful to be around Vlad and demiurge

"This is painful"

I slide down to the ground with my back against the wall

I'm sorry demiurge

I thought until I was picked up and saw it was Demiurge

 "Demiurge, What are you doing?"

I asked as he took me back to the room and laid me down in bed

"I understand your feeling for Vlad and I'm not mad but ..."

He stopped before saying

"I want us to try. Please don't move on until we know for sure"

"But demiurge-"

"And if you do still feel the same then go to him. I won't stop you anymore"

I sigh thinking this was a bad idea. It could work but at the same time I didn't want my feelings for vlad to vanish.

"Please ..."

"Alright demiurge, let's do this"

He smiled and laid me on the bed hugging me while his tail wagged

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Am I interrupting something?"

I gasped when hearing Vlad's voice , demiurge got up and there was Vlad at the door looking unhappy

Why must my life be so complicated?!

"Oh, hi vlad. When did you get back?"

I asked nervously, he glared at demiurge but turned my way

"I just got back, sorry for being away for so long, the elementals is getting rebuild as we speak"

He said telling me the details

"How's faiya and the others?"

I asked worried

"There ok, there still resting and with faiya fighting with zero, things are complicated"

He said with a deep sigh

"But other then that, how are you feeling?"

He asked with a Smile he took my hand and placed a kiss on it. I knew he was doing this to make demiurge mad

"I'm uh,im fine but I'm having trouble walking"

I said as he stood up

"Right, let take you to Yuki oni and do a check-up"

He said ready to pick me up but demiurge stopped him

"Hold on, Lord ainz doesn't want her moved"

"I know, I'll do a check-up and bring her back. Come along if you don't believe me"

He said as this felt like a challenge. We went to Yuki and into vlad's lab. He checked me and ran test

"spread your wings"

He said as I was hastening to do so

"What's wrong?"

"My wins are...not the same, that guy did somthing to them."

I said as vlad stood up from his chair

"It's ok, just show me"

Vlad said reassuring me, I sigh and spread my wins but as soon as I did something got knocked down. As a clock appeared behind me and a big ring appeared over my head, gems hung from each tip of my 6 wings

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