Chapter 9: his death her lost

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Zero pov)

Angel was lying under the death tree, sleeping again while hearing Charms jingle, black, and white wrapped around her as snakes as zero watched from the tree.

The new form that her master was in puzzled zero, she was a vampire now and no longer an Angelic being, her feelings about her master being this way confused and had mixed feelings. She was loyal to her master through and through but zero just enjoyed her being an angel much more

Zero climbed down from the tree taking another look at her master who was sleeping soundly as the black and white snakes wrapped around her protectively.


Zero looked over to see Vlad making his way over to her with demiurge

"So how long is my master going to be like this?"

Zero questioned with her arms crossed, everybody knew she wasn't pleased by her being a vampire and she just wanted her back to being normal so she practically just bugged everybody about the same question

"It shouldn't be too long now, you just have to be patient until Lily gives us the okay"

Vlad said as she only rolled her eyes. Demiurge made his way over to Angel to wake her up as the two of them had a surprise for her. Black and white unwrapped themselves from around her and change back into their human selves. everyone followed as they came to a room seeing her kids playing with Luna

"Is this such a good idea, what if they don't recognize me?"

Angel said worried but demiurge reassured her that everything would be fine and they will be really happy. Zero watched as the kids turn their attention to Angel and immediately knew that it was her, they called out Mama and raced to her tackling her to the ground and hugging her as they cried of joy

"We miss you mommy, daddy told us that you were on a mission and that you got sick"

Watari said as she reassured them that she was all right now but for some reason, the little angel mayu felt like there was something wrong but she couldn't put her finger on it

"Mom is different"

Mayu said as everyone stood Frozen thinking that she was going to say something but one of the twins corrected her

"No she's not. Mommy is still mommy"

Said sota who hugged her

"Mommy guess what, we learned to cast our first devil magic"

Angel looked surprised as she looked to demiurge pouty

"I wanted to be there to see their first spell"

Demiurge was at a lost of words and just apologized

"I wasn't teaching them to use their spells it just sort of happened"

"What do you mean?"

Angel asked

"Ok first ,one of the twins set the house on fire"


Everyone shouted

"It wasn't a big fire, just a small one. They were arguing again and then they started to shoot fire at each other"

Demiurge explained, angel looked at the kids And instead of being upset she was actually impressed which completely shocked demiurge and that she was going to scold the boys

"I'll scold them when they actually do something dangerous"

"So almost burning down The House isn't dangerous?"

Overlord: the angel of lightWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu