Chapter 23: a mother's feelings

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My heart froze, my body didn't move, I didn't think I was even breathing at this point after he told me what he did to Yusuke

"Yusuke is dead"

I said nothing when he told me that, I thought he was lying but he didn't show any emotions when he said it so it was true. I gripped my dress trying to keep clam

"I was tired and I had enough of his crying so one night I bathed him and forgot him"

My eyes widened by his confession, I shook and grip my head and screamed out before passing out.

Vlad pov)

Vlad held his mistress in his arms while he cured the man that hurt her, he had demiurge take him away back to his cell to rot. Everyone felt sorry for her, they just didn't know what else say

As Vlad was carrying her to her room she woke up

"Vlad put me..."

She grips his shit trying to speak

"It's ok just rest"

"No, hurry before"

He noticed she was turning away from him, as he kneeled down she vomited before choking, he held her hair away as she tried to stop the pain but Vlad knew she was sick once again. He patted her back and waited for her to be done

"It's ok, let it out"

He said as her body shook while she cried saying it was her fault

Vlad calms her down before picking her up. Luna saw what was going on and called a maid to clean the mess up. Once Vlad got to her room he removed her dress and laid her down to cover her up. He checked her temperature before calling for Tanaka to get ready for another care of his master.

Vlad watched her with Tanaka from night and day. There were times when she tried to get out of bed

To stop her yue and Noah claimed in her bed and slept with their mother who found relief and covered them with her wings.

Vlad didn't know what to do, but mostly at times like this, he worried if his mistress would be able to handle all of this ruling alone as her brother was no longer by her side to take over.

While Tanaka watched her Vlad went to the meeting room where albedo wanted to speak to him in private

"What is this about?"

He asked not wanting to talk to her

"It's about lady angel, lord Ainz left Nazurick to her in his absence but she can't even do that."

"What are you saying?"

Vald asked, but he knew albedo didn't like his mistress very much

"I'm saying she needs to marry someone to help run all 3 Kingdoms"

Vlad hated to admit it but she was right,

"With thing of how they are now, she is too weak to run as a ruler"

Vlad stayed sliced as he listen to albedo

"I know you care for the girl, and at some point, I did too but we have to be realistic and see she can't rule by herself if she can't handle situations like Gozaburo"

Vlad sigh thinking she was wrong but then again, he believed his mistress could rule but she needed time and that was something they didn't want anymore

"Lady Angel means the world to me and I will not go behind her back just because you think she can't rule, she has so much on her plate. Don't you see that?!"

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