Chapter 12: back to normal

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A month later}

Angel pov)

I woke up in bed back in Yuki oni, feeling good about today

"Good morning my lady"

Vlad said laying next to me

"Morning to you, my dark knight."

I said as I got up Luna came in and ran a bath for me, Vlad left for the day to his work as I was getting dressed. Things went back to normal like I thought it would, I would teach mayu as many things as can as she study them. I went back to ruling and being busy all the time, but the gaping hole in my chest as I missed demiurge the most while burying myself in work I try not to think of him as much as possible but Luna and the others could see through that

The elemental organization was at its peak once again and we had everything working. To cheer me up Vlad had fenrir come over to Yuki oni to see me.

I hugged and cuddled him happy to see him, but unknown to me, Vlad and Tanaka were jealous. I adore his wolf form and called him a big puppy, I loved laying on him basking on the sun while we slept, we were always together and o could see this bothered Vlad...a lot!

"You have to take a bath!"

"No! I want my puppy, let me go!"

I shouted as Vlad was carrying me inside to get the stink of dog and sweat off me. I had a meeting in an hour and Vlad wanted me to go.

"Your so mean"

I said while sitting in the bathtub, Vlad pour soap that smelled of strawberries that filled with bubbles, My anger vanished as I played with the bubble. Vlad rolled up his sleeves and started to bath me and wash my hair

"Listen, when you feel like you want to cry or have anything to tell me, I'll listen."

He told me rubbing the shampoo in my hair, I don't know what to say I didn't want to be a pain to him, I was so childish

That they just put up with it.

"Thank you Vlad."

I said, I wanted to tell him everything about how I was feeling now but I could and just held It in. When he got done with my hair he washed it out and later I got out. He dried my hair and brushed it out as Luna got me something to wear.

"You're going to look beautiful"

He said and left the room so I could get dressed. While I was putting the dress on Luna spoke

 While I was putting the dress on Luna spoke

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"You know he loves you?"

"Who Vlad? yeah so what"

"And do you love him?"

She asked as I hid my blushing face

"Who said I did?"

I asked as she giggled

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