Your First Mission

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Thud thud, thud thud, thud thud.

The dull pounding of the two Decepticons carrying you and your friends snaps you out of your reverie. The Decepticons had found you, Jack, and Raf hiding behind a big boulder, just after you learned that Miko had gone with Bulkhead. When you were planning to rescue her by sneaking onto the Decepticon Warship, this is not what you had in mind. You look over your shoulder and see Jack and Raf being held by one of the Cons'. Assessing your situation, you think of ways you can escape.

The Con' holding me has a pretty tight grip, almost too tight, so squirming might not work. Besides, if I get loose, the other Con' could use Jack and Raf as leverage against me.

Your brain raced through possible ways to escape, making you almost miss what the Con' holding you was saying.

"Bring them to the brig. Commander Starscream is keeping the other human there."

Starscream is here too?! Oh, not good.

Just then you hear the roar of an engine and grin as Arcee and Bumblebee race through the hallway, crashing into the Decepticons holding you. You are knocked out of the Cons' large hands and would have crashed to the ground if Bumblebee hadn't caught you. You thank him and then he sets you on the ground gently.

"We appreciate you clearing the front door for us, but storming the Decepticon Warship was not on the activities list," says Arcee, a stern look on her face.

Yeah no kidding. Rescue missions were definitely not on the list. If only my parents could see me now. They would probably freak.

You follow Arcee and Bumblebee as they begin walking through the hallways of the Warship, jogging to keep up with their brisk pace. The walls of the ship are a dark black, and lights placed at regular intervals along the ceiling cast eerie shadows along the ground. The ship is very cold, and smells like rusting metal and oil. Arcee turns around a hallway and almost runs into Bulkhead, Miko perched on his hand.

"You brought the humans, huh?" Asks Arcee.

"You try getting them to stay behind!" Defends Bulkhead.

"We need to find Fowler and get the kids out of here," says Arcee.

"He's in the brig," you, Jack and Raf say at the same time.

Arcee nods once and starts running down one of the hallways, Bulkhead and the other kids following behind. You jog past Bulkhead, matching pace with Arcee. She glances down at you quickly before focusing on finding the brig. You had no problem keeping up with Arcees' quick steps, running being one of the school clubs your parents made you sign up for back in Colorado, but as you glance behind you something you see makes your heart speed up. Three purple Decepticons are running behind you, hands transforming to form guns.

"Arcee! Behind us, three decepticons!" You yell up to her.

"Yeah, and three more in front of us!" She says and to your horror you see the ones she's talking about.

Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead leap into action, and you find yourself, once again, in the middle of all the action. Streaks of blue and red light whiz pass you and your adrenaline kicks into high gear. Jack, Miko and Raf are clustered together, with you standing a few feet away.

And here I am again, in the middle of a battle with these horrible purple bots. Rescue mission turns to survival and escape. But hey, on the plus side I'm on a spaceship, so I guess that's cool? If we survive this I'm so going to kill Miko!

A red bolt of energy rushes past you and explodes, flinging you to the ground and causing your head to hit the ground. You sit up slowly and everything seems to move in slow motion. Your head feels fuzzy, like a wad of cotton balls has been shoved into your head. You can hear a loud ringing in your ears, roaring like a waterfall, but the rest of the sound around you is quiet. Jack crouches next to you and is yelling something at you, but you can't hear what. All you can do is shake your head and stare helplessly at his empty moving lips. He frowns and then grabs your arm, pulling you up and then lets go, gathering Miko and Raf. Another explosion rocks the hallway and the head of a Decepticon crashes down next to Raf. Jack grabs your hand and Rafs' in the other as he drags you all out of the way of another Decepticon as it slams down in the spot you were at just moments before. You can feel your heartbeat hammering and the tightness of your chest as you soar on a wave of adrenaline. A Decepticon rams his hard metal fist into Bulkhead and he crashes to his knees, making the ground around him rattle. The force knocks you to your butt and you land hard, closing your eyes as you wait for it all to stop.

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