Humans, Meet Autobots

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The tunnel empties into a massive room and as your brain catches up with your eyes you impatiently jab your finger on the button that rolls down the window. You stick your head out and stare in an awed silence. The base looks like it had once been a missile silo; the walls look like they are made out of reinforced concrete. Far above, you can see long metal trusses housing bright lights. A raised platform stands in the center of the room with a wide staircase that leads to a faded yellow couch and small tv. Another staircase off to the right of the tv leads to a tall elevator that goes to the top of the base and has many walkways leading to different parts of the base at each level. To the left of the raised platform is a strange large glass circle with some sort of metal contraption in the center. In front of the glass is a sort of medical center with several small monitor screens overlooking a large bed. Far off to the right of the base, three large green computer screens that are big enough for the robots to use has been set up with a few human sized computers to the right of those. A white and orange robot stands in front of the large computers, fingers poised over a keyboard. He turns around when you come through the tunnel and your eyes meet. The bot gives you a strange look, then quickly returns to his work. You look to your left and see a strange tunnel with a glass floor that only goes 10 feet into the wall, and you wonder what the purpose of that tunnel could be. A big forest green colored autobot stands in front of you as Cliffjumper slows to a stop. He opens the door and you quickly snap off the seatbelt, exiting the car and looking around you. You slowly turn in a circle, wanting to take in every single detail around you. Everything is so big, and you suddenly felt like you had shrunk to the size of an atom.

Raf and the Camaro pull up behind you with Jack and the new girl not far behind. The white and orange robot turns around again and notices the other kids.

"I thought you said there were three of them?"

"Haven't you heard?" Arcee says with a hand on her hip, "Humans multiply."

"I'm Raf," the little boy says, holding his hand out.

"I'm Miko! Who are you?" Says the Asian girl as she stares up at the big green autobot.

"Bulkhead," he replies gruffly.

"Are you a car? I bet you're a truck! A monster truck! Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wrecking ball for a punching bag?" Miko peppers the bot with questions, and he looks flustered. You didn't blame him either.

"If you're all robots, then who made you?" Raf asks.

"Pu-lease!" The white and orange robot scoffs.

"So, um, what are all your names?" you ask.

Cliffjumper points to each bot in turn and says their names.

"The yellow and black one's Bumblebee, the green one's Bulkhead, the grumpy orange and white one's Ratchet," Cliffjumper promptly receives a glare from the robot, "you know Arcee, and-"

Just then the ground begins to shake, and you look behind you as the enormous form of a red, blue, and gray robot towers over you and the other kids.

"Well I'm sure you remember the head honcho, Optimus Prime," finishes Cliffjumper.

Wow. If I didn't feel small earlier, I certainly do now.

The robot kneels down on one leg so he becomes eye level with you and the others.

His bright blue eyes look at each kid but you notice his piercing gaze remains on you for longer than the other kids, and you feel as if you are being x-rayed.

"We are autonomous robotic organisms that come from the planet Cybertron. Also known as Autobots."

"So why are you here on Earth?" you ask.

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