"Hi, I'm Noah, welcome to Daisy's! How can I help you?" I straightened out my shirt and smiled at the elderly woman who walked in. "Oh my goodness, that scarf is so pretty!"

"Oh, this old thing?" She ran her fingers along the soft fabric. It was a silky pastel pink with pretty white cherry blossoms all over it!  "It was a gift from my husband many years ago. He gave it to me on our first date." She had this look in her eyes that made me know instantly she was thinking back on that day.

"That's very beautiful! Where did he take you?"

"Are you sure you want to know? I wouldn't want to bore you." She hesitated.

"Yes! I would love to hear your story, I bet it's so romantic!" I grinned.

"Alright, if you insist." She laughed. "Our first date was in September of 1945. It was shortly after John got home from fighting in world war two. He was a few years older then me, but we actually grew up together. For the few years he was gone, we sent many letters back and forth. I remember waiting upwards of three weeks for a response from him, but he always answered and something in me knew he always would. I don't know when, but at one point during our conversations, we fell in love."

"Shortly after he came back, we reunited at our favorite diner. As soon as I saw his handsome face  again, I knew we were going to spend our lives together. He gave me this scarf as a promise that the next item he would give me would be my wedding ring. and well, the rest is history. We got married, had two wonderful children and lived a happy and healthy life. John unfortunately passed away in his sleep a few years ago, but I am so grateful for the time we were given. It's actually our fiftieth wedding anniversary today and I was hoping to bring him some flowers."

"Oh my god, you're going to make me cry! I wish I had something like that. Everything seemed so romantic and real back then. . . Love these days just isn't the same." I sighed.

"Love is the same now as it was back then. I just think you haven't received what you're looking for yet, dear. I have a feeling love isn't very far away for you. I can see it in your eyes." She smiled.

"You know what? I want you to have this." She began taking off her scarf, but I stopped her.

"No, no, no. I can't take this from you. This scarf has so much meaning to you."

"I'm not taking no for an answer, young man. This scarf is my promise to you that you will find the woman, or man who is going to love you forever, just as John loved me. Now take this scarf and you only give it away after you've lived a life filled with joy and love. Then, do with it what you will. You can choose to keep it or pass it on to the next person." My hands fell to my sides and I let her place the beautiful scarf around my neck. I was a blushing mess!

"Thank you so much um—'"

"It's Dorothy, dear." She set her hand over mine, smiling sweetly.

"Well Dorothy, you don't know how much this means to me, or just how much I needed to hear that there's someone out there waiting for me."

"And it's the truth. Now how about you pick out your most beautiful flowers for me. I've got a date to get to."

I got Dorothy a chair and made the most beautiful flower arrangement I possibly could. I have never seen a person so happy over flowers besides myself.

"I hope you like them." I said shyly.

"They're absolutely perfect, Noah. How much—"

"It's on the house. You get to that date and show off that beautiful outfit, Dorothy. I know when he sees you, he's going to fall in love all over again."

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