Everything changes

Start from the beginning

Hank: Voight
Jay: Hank it's Jay
Hank: where the hell are you Halstead?
Jay: Sarge I can't come in
Hank: why the hell not?
Jay: Thomas is at med so I have to watch Kiara
Hank: what do you mean he's in the hospital? What happened?
Jay: I was on my way to pick them up and Kiara rang me saying that he fell and was shaking. He had a seizure and split his head open. I called an ambulance then kelly and when kelly arrived we went in. He came around and shortly went into another seizure.
Hank: shit. Okay kid. Let me know if you hear from kelly. Do you guys need anything?
Jay: No thanks
Hank: speak soon
Jay: bye

I went to find Kiara and she was in Thomas' bed. I sat on the bed resting against the headboard.
Kiara: Jay?
Jay: yeah?
Kiara: is Tommy gonna be okay?
Jay: yeah will, Connor and everyone at med is gonna make sure he gets better
Kiara: it was scary
Jay: I know kiddo. You wanna watch the film downstairs with a hot chocolate?
Kiara: okay
I grabbed her pillow and duvet and we made our way downstairs. I set her up on the sofa and she picked the film. Despicable Me. I made her hot chocolate and put it on the coffee table. We started watching the film and half way through she cuddled up to me. By the time the film finished she fell asleep so I put her pillow on my lap and laid her head down.
Jay: everything will be fine

Kelly pov
We were on our way to med. I rang Zara and she didn't answer so I left a voicemail. Finding Thomas like that was scary but I had a feeling that this was gonna happen soon since the return of the absent seizures. I was zoned out until I was snapped out of it.
Dawson: he's seizing. Pushing 5mg of midazolam
The convulsions slowly stopped
Kelly: why is he having this many?
Dawson: I don't know.
Shay: we're here
Maggie: what we got?
Shay: Thomas Gibson. 11 years old. History of absent seizures. Started having grand mal seizures. He's already had three. Hasn't come around from the last one. Vitals are stable. Heart rate a little high.
Maggie: Halstead, Manning treatment 1
They transferred him to a bed.
Will: April I want a full blood work up and book a head Ct and a MRI and page Dr Abrams
April took his blood and went to book the scans.
Kelly: could this be epilepsy?
Will: it's highly likely considering his history. we'll know more once we get the results
Thomas began waking up. He was groaning in pain and covered his eyes.
Will: hey there Thomas. It's Will do you remember me?
Thomas: mhm
Will: how you feeling?
Thomas: hurt
Will: what hurts?
Thomas: everything. Sleep?
Will: sure kiddo we'll be back soon.
They left. An hour later they came back.
Will: so we got his results. Ct and MRI came back clear.
Nat: his blood work shows that he's fighting some sort of infection
Kelly: he has been complaining of a sore throat
Will took a look at his throat
Will: he's got the early signs of tonsillitis. We'll start him on some antibiotics.
Kelly: could this have caused the seizures?
Nat: not cause but triggered yeah. Dr Abrams will be down for a consult
30 minutes later Dr Abrams walked in.
Kelly: hey TJ wake up kiddo
He started waking up
Dr Abrams: I would like to take Thomas up for an EEG
Kelly: what's that?
Dr Abrams: I'll put these sticky things on his head and they'll basically allow me to see his brain signals. He'll then perform some tests to try and trigger a seizure.
Kelly: this is to test for epilepsy right
Dr Abrams: yeah. I'm gonna take him up now. You can wait in the waiting room and I'll get you when we're done

Dr Abrams PoV
We moved Thomas to a different part of the hospital to do the test. I set up a camera to record
Dr Abrams: I'm gonna put these sticky things on your head
Thomas: what do they do?
Dr Abrams: it let's me see your brain signals. Right so we're gonna do a few tests okay?
Thomas: Will they hurt?
Dr Abrams: no they might make you feel weird like earlier but that's okay.
Thomas: okay
Dr Abrams: I want you to hold this windmill and see how fast you can make it go round by blowing it
Thomas: okay
He started breathing really fast making it spin. I could see his awareness drift. He began staring and his eyes were fluttering. A few seconds he started blinking and began blowing again. After a few minutes it happened again. Within a few seconds he was blinking again.
Dr Abrams: okay you can stop now.
Right for this one I want you to run on the treadmill to increase your heart rate but stop when you feel weird.
He was running for about 10 minutes
Thomas: head fuzzy 'gen
Dr Abrams: that's okay
I laid him down and he began seizing. It lasted around 2 minutes before stopping. I took to his room and went to Kelly
Dr Abrams: he's back in his room.
Kelly: how did it go?
Dr Abrams: he had two absent seizures and a grand mal seizure. He hasn't come around yet. You'll get the results in the next few days.
Kelly: okay thank you
We went to Thomas' room.
Will and Nat walked in.
Kelly: so when can he leave?
Will: we're gonna keep him in tonight but hopefully tomorrow morning

Jay pov
Kiara was still asleep and I was scrolling through my phone until I heard the front door open. Zara and Michael walked through the door.
Jay: do you not check your phone?
Zara: what are you doing here Jay?
Jay: your kids at med
Zara: what?
Jay: he had 2 seizures.
Michael: when?
Jay: this morning. I was on my way to pick them up and Kiara rang me saying that he fell and was shaking. He had a seizure and split his head open.
Zara: okay
Jay: what do you mean okay? You could at least pretend to give a damn
Michael: don't talk to her like that
Kiara started whimpering.
Jay: hey it's okay
Kiara: daddy mad 'gen
Michael: no I'm not darling. Jays just not being nice to mommy.
Jay: I tell you what happened to your kid and you don't even sound worried
Michael: I think it's time you leave
Kiara: JayJay stay
Michael: no sweetie he can come back tomorrow
Jay: sorry kiddo I'll see you in the morning

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now