The look in Chase's eyes gave her the resolve.

She could do this.

"What will I wear?"

She tried not to blush, as he beamed at her.

Marina tried to ignore all of the eyes on her, sitting at the round table at the coffee shop again.

She sat with her knees tucked to her chest, staring at her cappuccino.

"So, what's the plan?"

Gert asked, as Karolina joined the group, latte in hand.

"Yeah, Alex?"

Molly asked, turning all eyes to him.

"Why does everyone assume Alex has a plan? Someone else might have a plan."

Chase cut in, insulted that everyone turned to their resident nerd.

"Great. Let's hear it."

Marina glared at Alex, sick of him constantly insulting everyone else's intelligence.

Chase froze.

"I just meant hypothetically."

Gert sighed.

"Guys, all I meant is are we carpooling or going separately, and how dressed up is everyone gonna get?"

Marina was wondering that herself.

"Oh, uh, suit, no tie."

Marina almost blushed thinking of Chase in a suit.

God damn she needed to pull herself together.

"Oh, so that you have a plan for."

Another poisonous look Alex's way.

"Also, my parents are okay footing the bill for a limo."

Chase added.

Several people echoed the same.

"Yeah, my parents have been really nice these days."

Alex mused.

"Guys, we cannot have the carbon footprint of a fleet of limos."

Gert objected.

Marina couldn't believe that's what she was worried about.

"Nico, I could pick you up if you wanted to go together."

Alex suggested.

Nico nodded, seeming on board.

"Karolina, I practically go right past your house."

Chase offered.

Karolina didn't seem excited for whatever reason, but agreed.

"Some of us are too young to date."

Molly mumbled.

"Dating is so heteronormative. One limo, five stops."

Gert decided.

No one argued.

"Okay. So, we figured out the transportation situation. Everybody cool what happens once we get there?"

"Once that video is out, there's no going back. Our parents will be put away forever."

Marina was perfectly comfortable with that, she just hoped whatever investigation followed turned out the truth about her dad.

"And that's a bad thing?"

Karolina asked, apparently bothered by Chase's tone.

"No, but don't you have questions?"

daddy issues▪chase stein (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon