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What was Katsuki hiding?

That's what his group of hero friends have been asking themselves and each other for almost a year.

Instead of going to a bar, the group decided to hang out at Ashido's house. They were going to spend the night drinking and playing classic board games, with some of the rules changed to make them drunker throughout the night.

But, when Katsuki canceled on them again, they couldn't help but wonder why the blonde was always bailing on them. They started to converse about it on the pink, fuzzy couches Ashido just had to buy. They were comfortable, but getting stains out was a hassle.

The more they drank, the more ridiculous the theories became.

"What if he has, like, an embarrassing hobby or somethin'? Something like... Maybe he goes to karaoke sessions or... Or maybe he's a male stripper." Denki talked as if he was getting onto something, but everyone looked at him like he was ridiculous. He couldn't handle his alcohol very well, after all.

"Dude, why the hell would you think Katsuki is a stripper? He'd never do that." Kirishima asked.

"Well, because if he ain't telling us, it's gotta be something he's embarrassed about." He laughed.

"Maybe he's seeing someone?" Todoroki wondered.

"Why would he hide a significant other from us?" Mina leaned back into the couch.

Todoroki thought for a second, "Maybe he's dating a villain? And he doesn't want anyone to find out he's romantically involved with an enemy?"

"Pfft, that's a good idea for a fan fiction but Bakugo would never date a villain. Unless that villain were small and cute or something. I know Katsuki's type." Ashido laughed.

"Maybe we're complicating this too much," Kirishima suggested, "Let's try to figure out when Katsuki started being distant towards us."

"I'd say it was a week or so after we went to that nightclub, right? Or maybe the night of? He did randomly leave without telling us." Ashido remembered.

"According to Bakugo, he said he got sick and went home when I asked him the next day," Todoroki informed.

"How the hell did he get sick? He had one drink! He was barely drunk! Hell, he probably wasn't drunk at all!"

"Food poisoning?" Todoroki calmly suggested to Ashido.

"Maybe it was somethin' that happened before the nightclub or smth..." Denki slurred on his words, "Wha happened before that? Anybody remember cuz I don't..."

Kirishima took Kaminari's drink out of his hands, the blonde still holding his hand out as if it was still there.

"Oh! There was that thing at U.A. a month prior! A villain attack!" Ashido remembered, "Do you think he got PTSD or something from one of the teachers or students getting killed?"

"I don't think there were any deaths..." Todoroki thought, "But maybe something happened there that made Katsuki change..."

Everyone went silent in their thoughts while Kirishima pulled up any information about the huge U.A. attack on his phone. None of the articles mentioned deaths, just a few major injuries and a lot of minor ones.

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