"Let's pray that day never comes."

"In the meantime, we must consider your own safety." added the Queen.

Sio Bibble signalled. All the other advisors and attendants bowed and left the room.

"What is your suggestion, Masters Jedi?" asked Sio Bibble.

"They're not Jedi yet, Counsellor. They're still Padawan learners. I was thinking..." said Padmé.

"Hey, hold on a minute!" intervened Anakin.

"Excuse me! I was thinking I would stay in the Lake Country. There are some places up there that are very isolated." Padmé replied.

"Excuse me?! We are in charge of security here, M'Lady."

Mary looked at Anakin in shock.

Sio Bibble and the Queen exchanged a look. Something was going on here.

"Ani, my life is at risk, and this is my home. I know it very well... that is why we're here. I think it would be wise for you to take advantage of my knowledge in this instance." Padmé stated.

"Sorry, M'Lady." Anakin apologized.

"She is right. The Lake Country is the most remote part of Naboo. Not many people and a clear view of the surrounding terrain." Sio Bibble added.

"Perfect. It's settled then."

Anakin glared at Padmé. Then the Queen got up, and they all started to leave.

"Padmé, I had an audience with your father yesterday. I told him what was happening. He hopes you will visit your mother before you leave... your family's very worried about you." the Queen concluded.

Padmé looked worried. They all exited down the main staircase.


People were passing through the little street, old men were sunning themselves, women were gossiping, kids were playing. Anakin, Mary, Padmé and R2 turned onto a side street. Anakin and Mary were back in their Jedi robes. Padmé wore a beautiful simple dress. She stopped, beaming.

"There's my house!" said Padmé.

Padmé started forward; the twins hanged back.

"What? Don't say you're shy!"

"No, but we..." Anakin said.

Suddenly, there were shouts from two little girls, Ryoo and Pooja. They came running toward Padmé.

"Aunt Padme!! Aunt Padme!!" yelled the girls.

"Ryoo!! Pooja!!" yelled back Padmé.

Padmé scooped up the girls and hugged them.

"I'm so happy to see you! These are Anakin and Mary. Anakin and Mary, this is Ryoo, and this is Pooja."

Anakin, Mary and the girls said hello shyly. Then:

"R2!!!" shouted the girls.

As they saw the droid, they hugged him. R2 whistled and beeped. Padmé laughed. They went on toward the house. The girls stayed and played with R2.

Sola, Padmé's beautiful older sister, came in from the kitchen carrying a big bowl of food.

"They're eating over at Jev Narran's later, Mom. They just had a snack. They'll be fine."

Sola put the bowl down on the table, where Anakin, Mary, Padmé and Ruwee Naberrie (Padme's father) were coming into the room.

"Anakin and Mary, this is my sister, Sola."

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