Chapter 6

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The ships skimmed across the surface of the city landscape

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The ships skimmed across the surface of the city landscape. The sun glinted off the chrome hulls of the sleek Naboo spacecraft as they navigated between the buildings of the capital planet. Two Naboo Fighters landed on one leaf of a three-leaf-clover landing platform. The Royal Starship landed on the central lead, and the third Fighter landed on the remaining platform. A small group of dignitaries waited to welcome the Senator. One of the members of the group was a well dressed Jar Jar Binks, a member of the Galactic Representative Commission, and Dorme, Senator Amidala's handmaiden.One of the fighter pilots jumped from the wing of his ship and removed his helmet. He was Captain Typho, Senator Amidala's Security Officer.Senator Amidala, one handmaiden and four troopers descended the ramp. Senator Amidala reached the foot of the ramp, when suddenly there was a blinding flash and a huge explosion. The dignitaires and pilots were hurled to the ground as the starship was destroyed. Klaxons blarred, alarms sounded! Captain Typho and the two escort pilots got up and ran to where Senator Amidala lay dying. Beyond, R2-D2 dropped down from the Naboo Fighter and rolled toward the wreckage. The female escort pilot knelt by Senator Amidala and took off her helmet, revealing Senator Padmé Amidala. She gathered up her decoy double in her arms. Cordé's eyes were open. She looked up at her. Cordé died. Padmé hugged her.

"No!... No!... No..." said Padmé.

Padmé lowered Cordé to the ground. She got up and looked around at the devastation. There were tears in her eyes.

"I should not have come back." Padmé said.


A graceful skyscraper twinkled in the evening light of Coruscant.

The door to the apartment slid open. Jar Jar walked into the corridor, where three Jedi were exiting the elevator. He recognised Obi-Wan and became excited, jumping around, shaking his hand.

"Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo smilen to see'en yousa. Wahoooooo!" said exited the Gungan.

Obi-Wan smiled.

"It's Good to see you, too, Jar Jar." replied Obi-Wan.

"Oops! Wheresa mesa manners? Excuse me, Master Obi-Wan. I completely forgot myself for a moment there. I have had to learn Diplodiaclect... speak it like a native now. Don't really see the point, actually, but members of the Senate seem to prefer it..." said Jar Jar.

Jar Jar noticed Obi-Wan's apprentice and his sister.

"...and this, I take it, is your apprentice... Nooooooooo! Ani? Noooooooo! Mary? Nooooooo! Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyyi! Mesa no believen." said Jar Jar.

"Hi, Jar Jar." said Anakin.

"Hiiii Jar Jar...I missed you." Mary replied.

Jar Jar grabbed hold of Anakin and Mary and enveloped them in a big hug.

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