CH 10 | Not so one-sided thoughts.

Começar do início


I shouted that with my entire soul, holding my head up, facing the figurative skies, and with my tears flying up, I announced my thoughts and feelings to the entire world.

"Why... *sob* Did you have to sacrifice yourself?..."

The answer to that question was floating at the top of my mind from before we even met with this snake, but as it surfaced to my consciousness, I could only...

"It's because of me..."

I Hugged Rimuru's body as I closed my eyes... And slammed my forehead into the warm, rocky ground.

"It's because... *sob* I wasn't able to do anything..."

I lifted myself, only to crash to the ground again...

"It's because *sob* I'm weak..."

And I did it again...

"It's *sob*... Because I couldn't protect him..."

And again...

"...Why am I so weak?..."

I stayed still for a moment, contemplating the answer to that question...

"...Why didn't I try to protect him?..."

Unable to answer, I asked another question, yet met the same end...


I screamed, only to quickly hit my head on the ground again, distracting myself by the pain.

"Why can I *sob* Never protect him?..."

I hastily move up and down, painting on the cracking ground red with my emotions.

"I just... Want to help him..."

"I... don't want to... be a burden to him..."

"I want to... protect him..."

I stopped my rampage, as my forehead was connected to the ground. Tears flowed even more than before, mixing with the blood that is coloring my vision red. I sobbed, collecting the will to declare my wish. 

"I just..."

I slowly lifted myself.

"I... *sob* just want to..."

With my back hunched backward, my chin tilted upward, while my eyes stared into nothingness as my mouth opened, unraveling what's been kept inside it.


A.N/If you couldn't guess, I really like my characters (original or not) into insanity and desperation. But this's tensura, and that's not the goal of this fanfic, soo...

『Notice. Requirement fulfilled. Unique skill acquired: Protector.』

My mind raced when those words entire it. At the same time, a droplet of my blood slid past my chin, falling toward my arms...

And as the information on the new skill zapped through my mind, I only focused on the melting blob between my arms and chest, as I felt new, small fluctuations from it.

'C-could this be? Wait! With the new skill, I can do it!'

"It's my turn to save you! And... Thank  you, for staying alive..." 

I brought my right hand to my face and bit the base of my thumb.

I let my blood flow to him, and try to inject both my blood and his body with magicules. And to my delight, all of it was absorbed.

"I'm sorry for being weak, incompetent, and reliant on you. I'm sure you won't accept me, or might even hate me, So I will use this chance..."

I moved my hands, holding him from underneath, and brought him to my face.

"I'm sorry for my selfishness. Please forgive me..."

I said that in a tone, not of desperation nor griefing, but a soft, slightly happy, tone. Then I closed the distance between him and my face, or more specifically, my lips.

'The cold has finally stopped'


A.N/ around a thousand words

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't feel like writing much. I was originally planning to make it at least twice as long but just didn't feel like it.

I also didn't know which POV would it be after that moment, so you tell me if you want it from Rimuru's POV or do I continue with Luminous?

Also, the part where Luminous says she doesn't think that Rimuru would like her, you might have felt that it was shit and kind of rushed. Because it very much is. 

I honestly didn't know if I put it here or next chapter, but I chose to put it here as I have no clue whose POV next chapter will be from, and I remembered that when I started writing this A.N. So I just went up and haphazardly slapped it there, that's why it's soo bad.

Anyway, hope you liked it despite it being short!

Now it's 4:50 A.M. So Goodbye~!

Vampire and slime back in time [Rimuru X Luminous]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora