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Sitting at the table with all of the other professors, my nerves seemed to subside some as food was appearing on the table faster than we could eat, and the children were all chattering amongst themselves. I was nestled inbetween my companion from before, Remus, and a rather grim and depressing looking man by the name of Severus Snape. Severus was constantly eyeing me up and down in a non pleasant way, causing my stomach to go in knots at the uncomfortability of it all. I caught myself slightly scooting my chair closer to Remus, our arms beginning to graze against one another.

"I am not complaining that you are this close, but is there a reason behind it?" I heard Remus whisper in my ear, causing me to jump slightly.

"I am sorry, I just- Severus is making me extremely uncomfortable." I whispered back, assuring that Severus could not hear me.

"So you get closer to me? Again, not complaining. You may get as close as you need."

I felt my cheeks become flushed as I quickly scooted back over a little, looking down at the ground flustered. The man was attractive, and hearing him say things like that got something stirring within me. By the time I looked back up, I saw the headmaster stand from his chair and begin his walk to his podium.

"Attention students! If I could have all of you quiet down for a moment, I have two new professors I would like to introduce!" Dumbledores voice boomed over the Great Hall. "Professor Lupin and Professor Markus, if you would kindly stand. Professor Lupin will be your new Defence against the Dark arts teacher! And professor Markus! She will be your History of Magic teacher. I expect each and every one of you to respect and welcome these two professors as it is their first year. Make them feel at home and welcomed into the Hogwarts family!"

As Dumbledore finished his short speech, Remus and I sat back down, our eyes connecting for a split second before we both hurriedly looked away blushing. I caught myself fiddling with the hem of my pencil skirt at my knees, attempting to calm my nerves once again as I heard Remus softly chuckling beside me. I lifted my head and glanced to him to see what it was that he was chuckling at, and his eyes were looking down upon me.

"What is so funny?" I asked him, an offended tone upon my voice.

"You are truly adorable when you get flustered and nervous. Everything is going to be okay, you know." Remus replied back to me, a smile never wavering from his features.

I shook my head at him before hearing the Headmaster talking from in front of me.

"Professor Markus, if you are finished with dinner, I would like to ask you to follow me so I may show you around the castle." He said to me kindly as he stuck his hand out to assist me out of my chair.

"Oh, thank you Headmaster. I truly appreciate your kindness." I said as I took his hand and rose from my seat, following him out of the great hall.

As we began walking down the hall, no children or other professors within earshot, Dumbledore began to talk to me about my affliction. I was born with a powerful magic within me, only showing itself with extreme emotions and causing severe damage when it makes an appearance. I destroyed my family home when I was a teenager when my mother made me extremely angry, and that is when they shipped me off to Ilvermorny. My parents were well known throughout Hogwarts, actually being close friends with the Potter's, but instead of sending me to Hogwarts where they were very well known, they shipped me to the states to be as far away from them as possible.

"I am aware of your situation, Adeline, the power that resides in you is a gift whether you truly believe that or not. I want you to work with Professor Lupin on learning how to control it and how to successfully keep it at bay. I know that you were never really given a chance in life, and I want to be able to give you that. Professor Lupin is the smartest man I know in his field, and if anyone can teach you successfully on how to harness your power it would be him." Dumbledore said to me sweetly as we stopped in the middle of the hall way and he turned to look at me.

"Pardon me, Headmaster, but how did you find out about my affliction? And why did you hire me if you know I am a liability to your school?" I asked softly, my nerves beginning to run wild once again.

"Your parents may have shipped you off so they didn't look bad, but word still gets around my dear. I do not believe you are a liability, and I am known for hiring less fortunate people who need a chance in life. I believe you to be an asset to our school, and I believe you will do great things here. You cannot be defined by others words. And please, just call me Albus. We are comrades now after all."

"Thank you, Albus. I truly appreciate your kindness."

"Oh it is my pleasure, my dear! I am thankful you came to work here. I have already briefed Professor Lupin on your gift, and he has fully agreed to help you. I would like you to begin meeting with him next week if at all possible."

"Yes sir. I surely will."

Albus set his hand gently on my shoulder with a reassuring smile before leading me to the classroom I would be teaching in. It was large with the desks on each side of the room, leaving a walkway through the middle that led to my desk. I noticed a small door in the back corner of the room and slowly walked over to it. As I opened the door, a large bed was sitting in the middle, a dresser against the far wall, and a doorway that led out to a balcony with a beautiful view of the black lake. This must be my living quarters.

"I see you have found your bedroom. Classes start on Monday at 9 am, I assume you have lesson plans already made?" Albus said from the doorway of my room.

"Yes sir, I do. I look forward to starting on Monday. Gives me two more days to decorate the classroom and my own bedroom if I so wished." I responded with a smile as I conjured my bags into my bedroom.

"Have a good night, Professor."

Albus gave me a soft smile before turning and walking out of my bedroom and classroom, heading to his own.

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