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The following morning, I left the hospital wing carrying the brews that madam Pomfrey had given me to help with my pains until I was fully healed in a couple of days. My nails had grown back thanks to one of those many tonics I was given. I was limping rather hurriedly through the castle to get to my classroom before one knowing I had to meet Hermione today, even though it was a Saturday. The girl was way more dedicated than any other student I have ever come across, she reminded me of myself in a lot of ways.

"Hello Professor, I know I am early but it is always better to be early rather than late." Hermione said with a smile as I entered my classroom.

"I couldn't agree more, Miss Granger. Now, what kind of extra credit are you looking for?" I asked her as I set the tonics down upon my desk and looked into her eyes.

"Whatever you can offer me, professor."

"You are acing this class, what could you possibly need it for? Be honest with me, Miss Granger."

"Okay, fine. It's Ron. He is failing your class, and asked for my assistance in helping him get his grade back up to where it needs to be. Being one of my best friends, I couldn't tell him no."

Hermione looked to the ground, almost as if she was embarrassed to what she admitted to me. I laughed softly as I rummaged through my desk to fine an essay paper for Ron to complete.

"Well, tell him to finish this essay on the creation of Hogwarts, and I will raise his grade by twenty points. Also, tell him how you feel. It is better to get it all out in the open sooner rather than later I have learned." I said to her as I handed her the paper with a smile on my face.

"Whatever do you mean, professor?" Hermione asked me as she tucked the papers within her bag and turned to face me.

"I mean, tell him how you feel about him. It is clear of your feelings to everyone but him it seems. Be honest with him."

"If I do that, will you be honest with Professor Lupin about yours?"

I widened my eyes in shock, a blush forming on my cheeks at her question.

"Again, it is obvious to everyone but him in your case as well, Professor. Take your own advice, it is better to be honest with him." Hermione said sweetly before walking out of my classroom.

I turned on my heel and walked back to my desk, downing one of the tonics madam Pomfrey gave me and began to rummage through the papers in need of grading when I heard footsteps enter my classroom.

"Well, I guess that makes this a little awkward, doesn't it?" I heard Remus' voice say from the doorway, one of his hands hiding something behind his back as he walked to me.

"You heard that?" I asked, embarrassment filling my features, my heard thundering within my chest.

"Every word."

I crossed my arms on my desk and laid my head down upon them to hide my face from him. It is true, over the past month I have been working at Hogwarts, spending every Friday with Remus, getting to know him better and even going to Hogsmeade a few times with him, I had developed more than just friends feelings for him. I heard him softly chuckle at my reaction before placing a hand on my upper back as he stepped to be beside me.

"Relax, love. I actually came to talk to you about that." He said to me as I pulled my head up to look into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"If you are going to tell me how much of a fool I am, please get it over with. I already know the feelings aren't reciprocated and I need to bottle up my feelings and throw them into the sea." I said to him, quickly looking away from his eyes as I stood up from my chair.

"Actually, it's quite the opposite. I, too, have developed feelings for you. I even brought you these as to properly ask you on a date this Friday instead of our lesson together." Remus said to me as he pulled out a bouquet of yellow daisies from behind his back.

"You bought me my favorite flowers?"

"Well, I picked them. So, how about that date?"

"You already know my answer."

"Meet me at my classroom at six Friday?"

I nodded at him in agreement as he handed me the beautiful bouquet of flowers. I buried my nose in them, closing my eyes to take in their scent fully. When I opened my eyes and lowered the flowers from my face, Remus was standing mere inches away. I smiled at him lovingly as he placed a hand on my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I will see you Friday." He said to me as he pulled away and walked out of my classroom.

I quickly fetched a vase from my room, filling it with water and setting the flowers within it on top of my desk.

I laid down to rest for the night, beaming over the thought of an official date with Remus, quickly falling asleep. The next morning as I began to get ready for the day and head to the great hall for breakfast, a letter was slipped beneath my door. I hurried over to it, opening it to read its contents.

In my excitement of your acceptance, I forgot to tell you to wear something nice on Friday. I plan to make this as special as I can for you. I cannot wait to see you.



I smiled down at the letter as I folded it back up and set it upon my nightstand. I guess instead of grading papers today I would be heading to Hogsmeade to find a presentable outfit for Friday. All I had packed where jeans and pencil skirts. I needed to find a dress.

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