CH4 (I ran out of names)

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After leaving the parking garage, the group has driving non-stop for the past 3 hours. It was awfully silent and the fact that Victor was holding the decapitated head of  one of .those so called 'Disassembly Drones' didn't help either. It still leaked oil, but only in droplets, drying on the floor of the russian APC. 

George: "Remind me why we are carrying that head around like a trophy again?" 

George asked, holding his garand between his legs as he tried to open a bar of chocolate. 

Victor: "We could salvage some more information out of it's hardware. However what i don't understand is-" 

Victor now raised his voice at the next part.

Victor: "WHY AM I THE ONE DOING IT?! I am a car mechanic not a scientist with a PhD in robotics for god's sake!"

Wallace: "I don't know, i would do it but i really don't wanna risk that thing turning back on and biting my hand off." 

Victor stared daggers at Wallace. 

Victor: "Hardy har har, real funny. Let's just ignore the fact it didn't do anything but choke us in oil fumes for like 3 hours! Which brings me to my next question: where are we going?" 

Victor looked away from Wallace, looking back at the soldiers. Frank looked over as George was too busy eating chocolate. 

Frank: "No idea, we left in quite the hurry and Jackson is in the sherman. My best guess is we are searching for another place to hide in." As Frank finished, Sheldon asked another question. 

Sheldon: "And what is our ideal hiding place? Those things can fly, they can track the imprints these vehicles leave behind, and god knows what else they can do! And we might be prioroty No. 1 for them now, seeing we killed one and stole it's head." 

Jerry: "They killed one of ours, we killed one of theirs. I say we are even." 

Jerry was messing around with a knife he found a while back on one of the corpses while searching for warmer clothes. It was rather small but it was sturdy and had a good grip. Eugene was the one to talk this time. 

Eugene: "I don't think they think the same. And now they have probably doubled in numbers. You too saw those things fly past our heads, no?"

 The inside of the APC fell silent again, no one wanting to think of the possibility of being hunted down like animals. Eventually the APC came to a stop, as it's passangers exited. What they saw was a giant steel door, the lights around it on, which meant it still had power, and that meant that someone was still maintaining it. 

Victor: "Are we trying to enter?" 

Victor's question was quickly answered by Jackson. 

Jackson: "Yup. We will need to take shelter if we wanna avoid that nasty storm coming in from our East." 

Sheldon: "Wait, what storm?" 

The only answer Sheldon got from Jackson was just pointing behind Sheldon. The group turned and looked the direction Jackson was pointing at. A large cloud was seen hovering above the landscape, an almost wave like fog closing in, multiple flashes darting across it. 

Wallace: "Okay i don't need more convincing. Let's get in-" Wallace was stopped by Robert. 

Robert: "Not so fast. We don't know how to open it, and trying to blast through it will take too long." 

Wallace: "Have you tried that terminal to the right yet?"

Wallace pointed to something on the right of the door. It looked like a really old 60's computer that was reporpused with a more modern looking keyboard. He walked over to it, observing it. 

Wallace:"It's asking for a password." 

Victor quickly suggested an idea. 

Victor: "Just brute force it. Best option we got right now." 

Wallace nodded, typing away on the keyboard. He typed for around a minute before the door started to open slowly and dramatically. 

Victor: "I didn't expect that to work. What was the password?"

Wallace: "It was Password123. Honestly i would call the guy making up the password an idiot but he just unwillingly saved us a lot of trouble." 

As the group turned to the still opening door, hearing someone talking inside. Already expecting the worse they aimed their weapons incase of an attack. What they saw were things that resembled those Disassembly Drones, however they were much shorter, wore completly different clothing, lacked the tail, and even their eye color was different from that vibrant yellow. Their eyes were hollowed out in fear as they stood up from their game of monopoly, backing away from the group. They were most focused on Victor who was still holding the head of the previous Disassembly Drone, which by now stopped leaking oil. There was a brief staring contest between the drones and the group, which ended when the drones quickly retreated behind another door. The group looked at eachother, just shrugging and entering. The entrance was big enough for their vehicles to roll into too, however that meant the unfinished game of monopoly was crushed under the sherman, apc, and german SPG, the door closing behind them.

The rest of the 2 doors had the same codes as the first, so they got inside somewhat quickly. It wasn't as cold inside, but the group still kept their winter clothing on. They were met by a group of around 15 drones, some of them holding random everday things as meele weapons with a determined look across their face, but most of them were unarmed and horrified. One with a broom tried charging the group but he was quickly subdued via a really stern whack across the face with the stock of an M1 Garand from Robert, which slightly cracked the screen serving as a face. It crawled back the determined look on their eyes fizzling out as they hollowed in shock. The majority of the drones were also focusin on Victor like the previous group of drones back at the doors, as he still held the head. Eventually one of them, a drone with a fake beard and a leather jacket managed to stutter something out. 

Drone #1: "A-a-are you here for us?"

Our group looked at eachother with confused looks, before Jackson spoke. 

Jackson: "No? We're here because of the Big-Death-Storm that's about to hit." 

Now it was the drones turn to be confused. 

Drone #1: "Wait, you aren't with the Murder Drones?" 

Jackson: "I don't think so as we are holding one of their member's head. Did you think  we were carrying a soccerball?"

Drone #2: "Wait that's a Murder Drone's head?"

The drones tone suddenly changed for scared to curious and excited, as they started swarming Victor, trying to get a look at the head, and bombarded him with questions.

Drone #2: "How did you kill it?"

Drone #3: "Can i take a selfie with it?"

Drone #4: "I never seen one this close!"

Victor was taken aback by his sudden newly gained fame, not managing to say anything. Thankfully the drones were quickly dispersed by Jerry.

Jerry: "Okay that's enough, we are exhausted and need somewhere to rest. Are there any rooms we can use?"

Drone #5: "Oh, you mean you are low on battery? Sure, we have some vacant rooms just down the hall on the right. You can also leave your... vehicles here?" 

The drone looked past Jerry to get a better look at the armored vehicles 

Jackson: "Eh, sure. Just don't touch anything inside them. Really sensitive machines."

Our group now quickly headed the way the drone told them they would find vacant rooms, leaving the group of drones alone with the armored vehicles. What could go wrong?


(A/N): At last the 4th chapter is done, hallelujah! I decided to modify on the structure of the story a bit so it is easier to see who is talking and who isn't, and by the time you are reading this i probably modified the rest of the chapters in the same way. Anyways next chapter will be definetly be an A/N where i will drop some lore and backstory, and let you guys ask questions. Have a good one!

Deus Ex Machina: A tale of the unfortunate -DISCONTINUED-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora