confession (alternative)

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Here's and alternative ending for you thirsty angst clownzy readers, anyways, enjoy! <3


"and?" I said in a questioning tone. "Ok look, i liked you for a few months now. And i was just wondering if you like me back. I understand if you don't feel the same ways as i do", i went silent for a few seconds, "so?.." clown said waiting for an answer.

"I.." i paused before continuing, "look, clown. I do really like you back but.. I'm just not ready for a relationship yet,". I could see clown was a little embarrassed, "it's alr Branzy, i understand" he said, giving me a sad smile

Had i hurt his feelings? "I mean.. we could just stay as friends, right Branzy?" Did i break his heart? "Branzy?" What if he moves away and never come ba- "BRANZY" i jumped as he yelled my name, "yes?.." i said, "we could just stay as friends,right?" He asked. "... Yes,sure" i mumbled, loud enough for only us to hear

"It's alr,as long as we can just stay as friends.. it's fine," i hear the saddens in his voice. What have I done? I mean, i do like him back, I'm just.. not ready for a relationship, that's all

"Thank you" i said, "why?" He asked "thank you for understanding me"


It's been a few years since clown confessed his feelings to me, idk why but after that, me and clown just.. drifted away. We both went on with our lives and went on a different path

We didn't communicate again after that. It just felt.. wrong and empty without him, maybe it was a bad choice to reject him. But i have to let go, the past stays in the past. Whatever, i have to get going before i miss my interview for something called lifesteal,

The name was oddly familiar but i just shook it off. I hear my phone ringing before i picked my phone up to see who was calling, i accepted the call, "yo, Branzy! My man, are you ready for the interview today?" The voice on the other line says, "yeah, i just need to do smt rq. Oh yeah, can you pick me up today? My car has a flat tire and I'm too lazy to fix it,I'll fix it later tho" i said

"Sure!" He said "ty, rek. I knew i could count on you" "np, Branzy"

Time skip

"You can go in first, I'll find somewhere to park." Rek said as i got off the car. I went inside the building where we were supposed to be interviewed by someone called 'Parrot'. And yet again, the name sounds very familiar but i couldn't remember it

As i got inside, i was in awe. It was beautiful! Oh wait, i forgot to tell you something, there is a thing called 'smp' which is something like a different dimension. Basically, you have to be interviewed to get into these private smp's, as for public smp's you can join right in without an interview. For you to get into the smp, you have to go through a portal which leads to the smp

I waited for rek in the entrance, when rek got inside, we walked together to the interview room, as well as starting a little conversation of our own which involved our past crushes bc yk, it's nice to spill some tea Abt our past, "oh, remember when you liked Melissa when you were 13?" Rek asked "yeah, i do! Then when I got rejected i was so sad Abt it and i ignored all of you for a week" i said, laughing quietly.

We went silent for a moment before i decided to speak up, "do you still like that girl.. hmm, what was it.. oh yeah, Ivy. Do you still like her?" I asked "Ivy.. Ivy who?" He asked in confusion, as well as turning his head to look at me. "Ivy Amberlisa" i said "ohh" he said as he turned to face forwards again, "yeah, no. We got together and broke up bc she was cheating on me with Mark" he paused before he continued, "how long do we need to walk before reaching there, it's been 1 minute already" we both went silent after he finished his sentence

Not long after, we saw a queue of ppl waiting outside an office door, me and rek both stopped walking, "is this it?" I ask rek, "idk, maybe ask the people here?" He said, "didn't you join lifesteal before me" i said, "yes.. but i forgot where the office is" he said. I sighed before i went up to a person who was waiting at the end of the line. "Uh, hello" i said awkwardly. "Hi" they said, "is this the lifesteal smp interview office?" I asked, "great question, idk" they said, "nah, jk jk. This is the lifesteal smp interview" "oh, alr. Uh, what's ur name?" I said "it's Poafa," he said, "oh cool, mines Branzy"

"Cool, oh, is that ur friend over there?" Poafa said, "oh yeah! He joined the smp before me and he thought I'd be a great idea for me to join" i said, i gestured for rek to come here

He walked towards me and stopped before me, "hi, im Rekrap. You can call me Rek or Parker" he said with a warming smile. "I'm Poafa" he said again, "how long have you been here?" Rek asked randomly, "I've been waiting for like.. 30 minutes and the line barely moved," he said, "is it that long?" I asked, "no, it's just that they want to find very talented ppl for the smp, that's why it takes a long time for an interview to finish" he said

"Though, there's seats over there. You can ask the ppl behind you to save ur spot just in case," he continued as he pointed to the seats right across the hallway. "Oh cool" i mumbled, "so if we just wait here?.." i said "yeah, i suppose" he said

Time skip

It's been a couple minutes now and the line happens to move every 5 minutes, me, Rek and Poafa are all bored and tired if standing, "hey Rek, you think you can save my spot for a bit while I go and take a seat?" I asked, "yeah, sure" he replied. I went and took a seat, i took out my phone and started to watch tt. I feel a tap on my shoulder, i turned around to see who it was

"Clown?" "Hello again, Branzy"



pls pray for me

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