Chapter 40 Part 2

Start from the beginning

"They won't."

He cocked his head. "Won't what?"

"Kill Verity," I told him. "You might let her kill them. That could even work in your favor. But Verity? She's no use to you dead. All this time, you made it seem like that was the goal, but it was just another lie."

Norvin opened his mouth, closed it. "How much do you know?"

"Everything I need to. You killed my parents."

The slightest of winces; the façade of hubris destroyed. "I had no choice. I did it for you, son."

"Don't call me that! Fuck!" I didn't need this glass shard. Rage would make me explode like a grenade. All he had to do was say one more thing to piss me off and the pin would be pulled.

I took a deep breath. If I lost control, I'd be no better than him.

Verity, where are you and your mom? Talk to me.

She answered immediately. I don't know... close-ish? Chip and his friend are relentless. Don't worry though. I'm kicking their asses.

Good. Bang on the wall.


A dull thud sounded. She wasn't far.

I took another step towards Norvin. His wolves growled. "If you come any closer, Alek, I'll be forced to make them attack." He held up the tablet that I assumed gave him access to the werewolves' minds.

"That's not what's going to happen," I said. "I'm releasing Verity and her mom and we're walking out of this house. You and your wolves can stay down here forever or go howl at the moon. I don't care."

"You can't do that." His finger hovered over the tablet. "I can't let you take her."

Another flicker in his eye. Remorse? Despair? Shame? Or simply straight up anger that I'd betrayed him.

"I'm sorry, son."

His finger connected with the tablet, and the wolves charged. When they were mere feet from me, a white wolf with speckles of grey dashed from down the hall, colliding with them both.


I'll buy you time, she said. Go!

I did what she instructed. "Flora, Val, get back in the elevator. If the wolves approach, close the door and get out of here."

Flora nodded and scrambled back inside, but Val pulled on my arm. "You'll need my hand."

With one wayward glance back at her daughter, Val followed me. Even with three wolves tearing up the hall, however, Norvin managed to maneuver around them. We stepped over the limp bodies and Chip and Sam, and there he stood, still insisting on being my biggest obstacle.

"Like it or not, I'm the only father you have, Alek, and this is what's right. For both of us. You need to let Verity go. It's in your best interest. I'm willing to forget everything; I swear to you." In his most audacious move to date, he had the nerve to grin at me. Unbelievable. He expected me to cave, to come back to the fold, where everything was safe and familiar, where lies were overlooked in exchange for a false sense of belonging.

I took a swing, smacking him hard in the jaw. He staggered back, and I shook out my fist, sore from the impact.

"You just programmed werewolves to attack me, Norvin, and now you're back to play paternal savior? Make up your goddamn mind!"

A piercing yelp from the wolves drew my focus down the hallway but it was impossible to tell what was happening.


Hurry, she replied. I just took down two of them and now I'm outnumbered again. My leg... it's pretty messed up.

Another yelp.


No response.

"This isn't looking so good," Val whispered.

I rounded on Norvin again, but instead of punching him, I pried his tablet from his hands.

"What are you doing? Give that back! Val, don't let him use that!"

"I'm not going to us it." I handed the tablet to Val. "She is."

Val looked at me. "What?"

"If you want even the dimmest hope that your daughter won't despise you for the rest of your life, then you need to do the right thing now. Those wolves are killing Verity. And Flora is only feet away from them. I told her to go, but you know as well as I do: she's as loyal to Verity as...well, as a wolf. Who do you think they're going to tackle next? Unless," I glanced in Norvin's direction, "you order them to attack someone else."

"Val, wait now." Norvin reached his hands out towards her. I shoved him away.

"Are you ready to end this, Val?"

One more moment of deliberation, and then Val got to work. Two wolf heads shot up, entirely uninterested in Verity. They turned in unison towards Norvin.

As much as I despised him, I didn't want to wait around to see what was about to happen. Val and I pressed on, towards a closed door. She placed her palm against the control pad and the lock released. Pulling the door open, Verity fell into my arms. Blood soaked onto my shirt.

I carried her back inside so we wouldn't have to see what was happening in the hallway.

A woman—Cora Hargrave, once the biggest monster in all my nightmares, came over and sat next to me as I held her daughter.

"She's dying," Cora said, her voice hoarse. Not a monster, just a woman, with the same nose as Verity and kind, sorrowful eyes.

I didn't know what to say to her; all I could think of was the bitter truth. "For so long, I've been searching for the wrong monster." And now, Verity might be sacrificed over my life-long futile quest for vengeance.

Maybe I had betrayed her after all. 


Author's Note: Not gonna lie, I'm getting weepy here. The next chapter will be the very last. Our story is about to come to a close and Verity's fate is about to be sealed. What now? Will she pull through? What about Norvin? Chip? 

This has been quite the journey. I'm looking forward to seeing it all the way through with you.


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