Robin went to talk but Batman raised his hand before continuing.

"Murder is a path that gets worse the more you traverse it. If you think nothing of killing a murderer, then who's to say you won't consider it for other crimes: rapists, predators, thieves, they all target and ruin the lives of the innocent people in Gotham."

Y/n looked down, thinking over his words.

"The more you kill, the line you use to justify it will become less and less defined. The net of people that its justifiable for you to kill will expand until you are the exact same as the mass-murderers you started killing to begin with."

Y/n remained silent after his father's words.

"Being one of Gotham's protectors is more then just stopping those who would do it harm. But also being better then them, being someone the people you protect can look to with relief and hope that you stand there to guard them."

"So promise me Y/n, that no matter how tempted you may be, no matter how easy it may seem, that you will not head down that path."

Y/n looked back up into his father's eyes before nodding.

"I promise."


Batman looked up at the scene that was unfolding before him, horrified.

The wild look in Y/n's eyes, the murderous look that rested under his mess of wild, sweaty hair.

The red blade that vibrated an inch away from the Jester of Genocide's throat, being held by the clenched fist of the last kryptonian.

"Thanks, boy-scout!" Joker cried, clapping Superman on the back before the helicopter circled away from the pair.

Y/n's furious eyes shifted to stare into the man who stopped him before the red sword crumbled, his red ring glowing brighter then ever.

Superman moved to grab onto the man before him but was interrupted by a fist smashing across his face, sending him flying towards the very same helicopter he had just protected.

Y/n drew his arm back, summoning a red javelin in his hand before feeling a snag on his wrist.

Looking back he saw a golden lasso wrapped around it before being pulled to the floor, the javelin breaking apart as he fell.

Quickly adjusting, he landed on his feet before pulling the lasso towards himself, causing Wonder Woman to fly towards him.

Spinning quickly, he planted the back of his fist straight into the Amazonian's nose, causing her to violently flip away.

Tearing the lasso off his wrist, he looked up at the helicopter before being tackled by the Batman.

Planting his feet on the ground, Y/n skid backwards before coming to a halt with the vigilante wrapped around his chest.

Interlocking his fingers, Y/n raised his arms up and threw his fists downwards towards his attacker's back.

Instead of making contact with the Batman he instead slammed into a green shield that appeared above his opponent.

Looking upwards slightly, Green Lantern had materialised a brace that allowed him to extend his ring arm out.

Raising his own ring arm, Y/n channeled a large hammer that smashed through the brace and hit Lantern's already broken arm downwards, causing him to scream in pain once more.

Using the distraction that Lantern provided, Batman attempted to work his foot behind Y/n's own but was noticed and felt Y/n's arms wrap around his waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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