The Makings of a Monster

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The night sky was an inky black void, not a single star dotted the vast sky.

However if one were to look up into the midnight atmosphere, they would seemingly spot a shooting star, bright-red in colour.

But what those on the ground would not know is that the supposed shooting star was actually a human figure, a figure fuelled by rage.

The figure shot ever higher into the sky before coming to a complete stop and looking down upon the city beneath him.

Y/n reached his right hand out and held it open towards the city below.

Immediately he felt various sources of rage coming from the streets and alleys, all varying in strength.

After the taste of what a strong rage source could give him, he desired more, desired an increase in power, an increase in rage.

However, none were large enough to satisfy, none were strong enough to improve him and his rage.

As he widened his search, feeling about the city, the distinct noise of a soft material flapping in the wind filled his ears.

Looking right he noticed what appeared to be a...kite?

How on earth was it up this high?

As Y/n moved to destroy the kite beside him, it suddenly shot a net at the red-helmeted figure and dropped.

Being caught off-guard, the net captured him and the sudden drop dragged him downwards towards Gotham's streets.

Y/n channeled his ring and formed a blade to cut at the net but as soon as he began slicing away at the ropes, he was released and slammed into the ground of a Gotham alleyway.

Pushing himself off the floor, he cracked his neck and looked down the alley, spotting two figures standing before him.

"That was my high atmosphere capture kite!" One of the figures spoke, he stood in a skin-tight full-body lime green suit with a yellow diamond in the center with a set of yellow goggles.

"Shut up, Kite." The other said, drawing some sort of modified pistol and aiming it at the red-ringed being that stood before them.

The figure known as Kite began walking forwards as he pulled a small device from his belt before stopping and pulling his arm back to throw it.

"Your rage is far too weak."

Kite turned to face his partner before gesturing backwards with his thumb at Y/n.

"Moth, you seeing this?"

"Kite! Look out!"

Kite turned towards his adversary and was met with a fist smashing into his cheek. His body cascading high through the air.

Suddenly a large kite and thrusters popped out the back of his suit and he took off into the air, soaring high above the alleyway.

Y/n channeled his ring, forming a red disc in his hand and drew his arm backwards, preparing to throw the disc at the flying annoyance above him.

Before he could release the projectile, a strange sticky substance wrapped around his hand and part of his forearm, tugging backwards.

Looking at the substance, it strung from the strange gun held by the figure known as Moth.

Y/n planted his feet and pulled against the figure, causing him to fall forwards and relinquish his hold on the weapon.

With only the gun attached to his arm, Y/n pulled his arm backwards, sending the gun flying right towards him.

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