"Your father took the blame with your girlfriend in order to protect me. I was so grateful when they cleared them of any wrongdoing. But I knew, someday this would come back to haunt us." My mother grows a morbid smile trying to hide the way she feels. Why does she keep on saying Alexandria is my girlfriend. Significant others are a weakness; they only bring distraction. "She's not my girlfriend, having a significant other is pointless." All my mother does is change her smile into an arrogant smirk. "Sure." I ignored my mother's wink getting back to why I came here when a sudden realization came to me. "You said Garrett was foaming at the mouth. His eyes didn't look human." I take a step forward beginning connecting the dots. "I've never seen someone so blinded by rage." This sounds all too familiar. Until I finally realized. Poison. Why didn't I see it before? I mentally facepalm. "Maybe it wasn't rage at all. Foaming saliva, dilated pupils, mental confusion. What are those all textbook symptoms of?" The realization crosses my mother's face. "But how can it be?" A devious smile crosses my face. "There's only one way to find out."

Alexandria P.O.V
You are in your room on the very top floor getting ready for the feast. When you finally finished you were wearing a black and red suit with a black elegant cape flowing to the floor. You look at the window, seeing the sun begin to set, making the sky give a warm glow. After a couple of minutes, stars start to light the sky with beautiful patterns. You let out a sigh, grabbing your rings and sliding them onto your fingers once you made sure you didn't forget anything you took a deep breath. "Let's get this over with." You open your door and walk down the marble stairs sliding your right hand down the railing in case you trip. To get to where the feast is, you have to cross your courtyard. You forgot how far away the ballroom is but you didn't mind it means you don't have to spend so much time there. You're crossing the courtyard and seeing the oak tree you planted when you first built this place. The big oak tree branches are spreading all the way to the top of the roof making the leaves anchor down from how big they are almost like a curtain and the lower branches are a couple of feet from touching the ground. The bark is covered in moss making it look enchanting and the roots are popping out from under the ground hooking around some of the marble benches. Fireflies fly around the big oak tree making it look magical.

You cross the courtyard going through a long hallway filled with paintings you made and the ceiling tells the story of your evaluation. The major battles and wars you fought and the people you saved from wars that were slaves. They were mostly outcasts but some humans. You took them away from that life, setting them free, and the ones that wanted to stay you found them homes and places they can stay and grow old at, and the ones that went with you sailed on boats for months but we finally made it to paradise Island. The further down you go the more it shows this city's history. You and your people are building the walls to protect us from any outsiders by putting spells on the wall to have a barrier around the cities and surrounding towns and villages. It shows the cities growing bigger as time passes on. You never liked this hall. Yes, it was beautiful but you never like to remember all the people you lost through war and diseases. You get to the two big wooden double doors. You take a deep breath pulling on your clothes making sure they're not messed up. You knock on the door getting the guard's attention, one of them opens the door a little seeing who's outside, and when they see you they signal the other guard. "We will announce to them that you are here." You give them a court nod stepping back and taking in one last deep breath. You hear the guards syncly bang their spears on the ground, catching everyone's attention. You waited with bated breath keeping your eyes straight forward. "The Queen has come home after 50 years the daughter of Joseph and Isabella Khthon, heir to Dracula Vlad Tepes, heir to Eris Goddess of chaos, strife, and discord, heir to the Elder God Chthon of black magic and destruction. The Death Bringer and Peace Maker, our savior, the one and only tribrid, Alexandria khthon." They swing the door open letting you be seen by all the wondering eyes. You take your first step forward making everyone bow down to you on their knees. You walk to your throne trying to steady your breathing not missing a beat with the repeating rhythm of your feet, you listen to the same pattern of your beating heart that pounds in your ear keeping you distracted from everyone.

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