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Then, I saw Frederick was going to stab him again. I suddenly grabbed Nat's arm and yanked him away from Frederick. He tried to stab Nat again but he missed which was good for Nat. But not so good for me. That's because, he missed Nat's head and stabbed my leg instead. "AAAAAAAA!!" I screamed in agony. Micheal rushed in the bar to find a telephone. Despite my pain, I scooted closer to Nat and hugged him. I couldn't believe this. The first teenager who thought I had potential. Stabbed. He was the first teenager who didn't laugh at me and whisper to his friends or stare at me askance. Now he was gone. Finally I saw the flashing lights of an ambulance. They loaded me and Nat on stretchers. Then everything went black.

---------------AT THE HOSPITAL----------------
I woke up in a white room. My leg was hanging from a wire, being held up by bandages. It took me a second to realize I was in a hospital room. Then, I remembered what had happened earlier. "Good, you're awake. I need to ask you some questions." I heard a firm and unfamiliar voice say. "What..? H-huh?" I blubbered. "My name is Detective Weaver. I need some information on behalf of your assault and your friend's murder." He told me. My ears started to ring. I started to hyperventilate. I felt cold sweat beading on my head. Murder? It was official. Nat was dead. I think he could see I didn't want to talk about it so, he left. I realized Cindy would be heartbroken. But, I decided it would be best for me, a friend to tell her. So I asked for a doctor. A man in a white coat with glasses walked in. "You needed something?" He inquired. "Uh yeah, by any chance can I visit my friend Cindy Sage?" I asked the doctor. "In a moment. I just need to finish some last touches on you wheelchair." He responded. "Oh ok yeah. Wait WHEELCHAIR?!" I exclaimed. "Yes I'm afraid you won't be able to walk for a while." The doctor explained. A few minutes later, he asked me if I was ready. "Ready? For what?" I inquired. "To try out your wheelchair of course!" He told me. He hoisted me up and placed me on a blue wheelchair. Then, he took my leg and hung it on a metal rod with some bandages. "Ok your good! You can visit Sadie or whatever her name was." He told me. "Ok then. Thanks." I rolled out of the room. I went to the elevator and pressed the button labeled 1. The doors creaked open. I rolled out of the elevator and into the hall. Then, I saw Cindy's door slightly open. I sped towards it. I lightly pushed the door open and saw Nat.

Evan's New Friend [A FNAF 4 Story]Where stories live. Discover now