Chapter 15

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Sophie's POV

Skylar had picked out quite a few outfits on her shopping trip with Cameron. I couldn't deny my excitement when I saw the array of forest greens, burgundies and warm colors amongst the selection. For the outing we had settled on a casual forest green T-shirt dress that fell right above the knee. I picked out black sandals, the weather was warm enough for it.

As I got dressed, my mind wandered to Emma and my mom. I wondered if they have noticed yet that I am gone. Even more so I recalled how our lives have been thus far, constantly traveling and moving from place to place every few months. I was sure of one thing, I was relieved that for the first time ever I had found some aspect of permanence. Or at least, that is how my mates had explained it. It would hurt for quite some time, probably forever leaving my family, but I had found a place to call home, that place being my mates. The reality was that I couldn't live in fear like my mother forever, and eventually Emma and I were going to have to go out on our own.

I shook my thoughts away, dwelling on them now wouldn't do me any good. Here I stood, appreciating the outfit I had put together. I hoped my mates liked it as much as I did.

We loaded into a large blacked out SUV of sorts, from the outside you couldn't even see Cameron and I in the back seat through the tinted windows, very presidential. Archer drove with Skylar in the passenger, connecting her phone to play music. I felt so at home, and especially safe with my mates. I let my fingers trace the fresh marks on my neck as flashes from earlier in the day played in my head and heated up my core again.

Cameron caught on quickly, sneaking his hand to mine. He began drawing small patterns with his fingertips on my soft skin. I glanced up at him, feeling my cheeks heat up. I earned a devilish smirk, Cameron raised his brow before letting go of my hand and inching his touch further onto my lap.

A moan from the front seat echoed through the car; Skylar's attention had been caught by our little antics in the back seat. Cameron seemed to feed off of her attention, letting his hand run up and down the length of my lap, inching higher and higher each time. His fingers crawled under the material of my dress and left a trail of liquid fire where his fingers met my bare skin. I exhaled a pent up gasp, sinking further into my chair, welcoming his touch by slightly spreading my legs.

"Cameron." Archer scolded from the rearview mirror. "Hands off." Warning us; knowing that once we started something, we couldn't help ourselves from finishing.

"Yes Alpha." Cameron cleared his throat. Sitting up straight, but careful not to remove his hand from my thigh.

His hand went higher, touching the outline of my panties. He brushed his thumb over my clit causing me to stifle a moan. My body jerked without permission, alerting Archer of our disobedience. I covered my mouth as if that would magically make the Alpha forget what he knew had just happened.

A second later Archer had pulled the car over on the deserted road and Cameron had been pulled out of the car and pressed face forward into the door. I could see his eyes, but the tinted windows prevented him from seeing me. Archer's hand wrapped around his neck from behind, securing Cameron in place.

"You know better than to defy me." Archer pressed his body weight deeper against Cameron. "Especially now when Sophie is learning from your example."

Cameron grunted, breathing heavily against the window. Archer's other hand grabbed a fistfull of Cameron's hair, pulling his head towards his own, forcing his mate into a very uncomfortable position, craning his neck.

I moved closer to the window trying to push myself as far away as I could from the encounter.

"I apologize sir- please-" Archer slightly loosened his grip, allowing his lips to trail along Cameron's neck. Still holding him in place, "please allow me to comfort Sophie, I can feel she is scared. It's my fault and I would like to apologize to her."

"Mmm." Archer continued sucking on Cameron's neck, right where his mate mark was. He finally let him go, Cameron allowed his head to rest back on his Alpha's shoulder, catching his breath.

"I'm sorry sir." Cameron muttered again.

Archer kissed his lips softly,

"Go and apologize to Sophie quickly, and then you will be switching seats with Sky." Archer ordered softly, seemingly having troubles of his own resisting his mate's touch.

Skylar was already out of the car, pulling Archer into a hug to calm him while Cameron trailed around to my side of the car and opened the door.

"I'm sorry Sophie, I need to get better at controlling my urges with you. I shouldn't set such a bad example when it comes to defying Archer." He leaned down to kiss my forehead, quickly pulling back. It was the only touch at the moment he would allow himself. "Are you okay?"

"Are you sir?" I asked, still coming off of the very tense moment.

Cameron looked down at me adoringly,

"Yes sweetheart, but don't you worry about that. I know this is a lot for the first time, are you feeling alright?" His eyes met mine, pleading for transparency.

"Yeah, I think so." I smiled; I was quickly coming to understand why Archer was in charge. Besides earlier in the bedroom, he handled situations quite well. He was stern, but not unreasonable as long as he kept a level head. Little by little he was starting to show me what a true leader looked like and on a personal level, I respected him deeply. Seeing how Skylar and Cameron followed his lead really helped set the tone as well.

Skylar and Cameron traded seats, as we got back on the road, Skylar and I fell into easy conversation about our taste in music, but the two Alphas holding hands at the center console did not go unnoticed. 

From the author,

I apologize for the break in posting chapters, a break far too long than I could have imagined. I am glad to say that my time away has been well spent, leaving my old life behind. A life full of self hatred, a failing marriage and so many other problems. I will not bore you with the details, but please know that I haven't forgotten about you my dear readers and I am back to envelope you into Sophie's world.

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