Chapter 87: Baby, the radish is ready

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"The Rongbao was fine before, but he has become a little speechless in recent days, and he has been depressed all day long." Qi Yan just needs Rongbao to be in a good mood.

After understanding the cause of Rongbao's speechless speechless, the psychologist said, "Have you ever thought that you are the source of his pain?"

Qi Yan frowned, and he turned out to be the source of Rongbao's pain.

The psychologist looked at Rongbao with pity: "So it's better to separate. The more you rely on it, the more painful it is."

Qi Yan didn't want to listen to the psychologist, but he couldn't ignore it when he thought that he was the source of Rongbao's pain.

Qi Yan put his hand on the back of Rongbao's head, rubbed it and said, "I know what to do."

Then Qi Yan asked the old housekeeper to get a low-level version of the inhibitory pills.

Qi Yan is eating the upgraded version now. Rongbao has never eaten it before, so he can only eat the low-end version, and the effect is not so strong.

Qi Yan poured a grain into his hand and sent it to Rongbao's mouth: "Baby, I'm eating sugar beans."

This low-end version of the inhibition pill is sweet, similar to sugar beans.

Rongbao was tricked into eating it with his mouth open. It was sweet, but the taste was very strange. After all, this is not a real sugar bean. It must not be very delicious.

However, Rongbao still swallowed it, and the effect of the medicine soon became available.

After the effect, Rongbao was less dependent on pheromones, and he no longer greedily sucked Qi Yan's pheromones.

Qi Yan pushed Rongbao away a little: "Baby, the doctor asked us to separate for a while."

When Rongbao heard this sentence, he began to shed tears.

Qi Yan was reluctant to let Rongbao cry, but there was nothing he could do: "Be obedient and cooperate with the treatment, okay?"

Rongbao cried and shook his head, saying that he didn't want to be obedient, let alone cooperate with the treatment.

Even if you take the inhibitor, Rongbao is still very clingy.

"Since you don't want treatment, don't be unhappy anymore. Talk to me." Qi Yan didn't want to be separated from Rongbao in order to cooperate with the so-called treatment.

Rongbao is sick, and Qi Yan is also sick.

Under the threat of Qi Yan, Rongbao finally shouted, "Master Qi."

It has been two days. This is the first time Qi Yan has heard Rongbao call him Master Qi.

Qi Yan responded softly, "Hmm."

Rongbao sobbed and said intermittently, "Don't be separated... don't..."

Qi Yan rubbed Rongbao's little face with his own face: "Okay, don't separate."

What kind of bullshit isolation treatment, Qi Yan won't do that.

Qi Yan said to Rongbao's forehead, "Baby, have a smile."

I haven't seen his baby smile for days.

Rongbao grinned and laughed while crying. He looked very funny.

But Qi Yan didn't think it was funny, but felt heartbroken.

"Would you like some dessert?" Qi Yan kissed the tears on Rongbao's face little by little.

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