Chapter 72: Baby, feed me

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Qi Yan lowered his head, kissed Rongbao's eyelids, and said in a seductive tone, "Baby, feed me."

Rongbao has been eating sugar recently, and he is becoming more and more proficient in peeling sugar.

Qi Yan didn't say a word and looked at Rongbao peeling sugar seriously.

After peeling, the transparent glutinous rice paper wrapped in the milk candy was still intact. Rongbao took it to Master Qi's mouth and said like a child, "Master Qi, ah..."

Qi Yan opened his mouth and ate it with the fingertips of the sugar and velvet.

Rongbao wanted to take out his fingertips, but he was sucked by Master Qi.

Qi Yan's tongue swept at Rongbao's fingertips.

Rongbao only felt crispy and itchy, and his body unconsciously softened: "Master Qi~"

The humming sound of Rongbao is very fascinating.

Qi Yan cursed, and then got up from Rongbao and went to the bathroom alone.

Rongbao was still lying in bed and didn't react at all. He only saw the old man's back leaving in a hurry.

Qi Yan in the bathroom stood under the shower and let the cold water water him from the beginning. The inhibition pills he had just taken seemed to have no effect at all.

At this time, Rongbao climbed down from the bed, stood barefoot outside, and knocked on the door: "Master Qi."

Qi Yan first turned off the shower, wrapped himself in a white bath towel, and then opened the door and went out. He planned to coax Rongbao to sleep first, and then secretly solve it by himself.

Qi Yan bent down and carried the velvet treasure without shoes back to bed: "Baby, go to bed."

Rongbao was really sleepy. He nestled in Qi Yan's arms and soon fell asleep.

Qi Yan rubbed a circle on Rongbao's little stomach. The child is not yet full, so Rongbao's stomach feels no different from usual, but he is a little fatter. He can't see it with the naked eye, and he has to measure it with a ruler.

Qi Yan took a soft ruler from the drawer, measured Rongbao's waistline, and then recorded it in a small notebook. Since he knew that Rongbao was pregnant, he began to secretly measure Rongbao's waistline. He wanted to know if his child had grown up.

Qi Yan wrote the value on the notebook, put everything away, took a few more inhibition pills, and then went to the bathroom to soak in cold water.

When the heat subsides, come back and sleep with Rongbao in your back.

Before going to bed, Qi Yan muttered, "What a grinding little guy."

Qi Yan's words are about Rongbao, and also about the children in Rongbao's belly.

The next morning, Rongbao opened his eyes from Qi Yan's arms, first rubbed his sleepy eyes with his little hands, then pouted and took the initiative to kiss the old man.

Qi Yan woke up early, but he didn't open his eyes and felt that Rongbao was secretly kissing himself.

Qi Yan immediately reacted and grabbed Rongbao's little head, which was about to retreat, and deepened the kiss.

Rongbao was kissed and screamed, and it didn't sound like he was very willing.

Because the old man took a lot of inhibitory pills last night, he took several more pills this morning before Rongbao woke up, and the bitter taste of the medicine in his mouth was very strong.

The Pheromone of the Drooping-Eared Rabbit (ABO)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ