Are you a few bricks shy of a load? Because again, I will find someone to fix that for you as well.

As for whatever I supposedly did when you brought me home, that was the alcohol talking, so thank you for not taking advantage of me. Oh, wait... I forgot. You took advantage of me in the HALLWAY, then left me there like I was a fucking toy you got bored with.

At least you admitted you were a clown. So that's a plus. Next time the circus is in town, I'll give them your number.

I'm glad I cleansed your palate. Hopefully, it's still lingering in your mouth, reminding you of what you'll never taste again.

As for calling you a molester, do you think that was a bit harsh? Because I thought it was pretty relevant to say. You left me standing in a hallway I wasn't familiar with or had only been down once. So that was uncool of you to do.

Since you're such a manwhore. While in New York, don't forget to cover your whacker before you attack her. We don't need you returning home to spread diseases. It's a good thing the club asks for weekly tests.

I'd say I'll see you when you get back. But you and I both know that won't happen. You're too much of a coward to come into the office. One who enjoys hiding behind masks, emails, and darkness.

Your perturbed assistant, Eloise


"A delivery just arrived for you," Emma informed me with a broad smile when I entered the office.

My eyes rolled. "Let me guess. From Callum?"

Still smiling mischievously, she shrugged. "No name, so I have no idea."

In the last couple of packages Callum sent me, he failed to address who sent the gifts. So that tells me it's from my boss.

What did he send me this time?

Termination papers? Another voodoo doll and knife? Black roses? A butthurt care package because I accused him of humiliating me? A dildo or vibrator? Thinking that would be funny since he halted pleasuring me when I reached my peak and believing that would help me get off? A glitter spring bomb that'll make a mess when I open it? That way, he can watch me bend over when I clean up the mess. Or even a bag of gummy dicks since I apparently told him he had a small cock?

I sighed. "Where is it..."

"It's on your desk," she grinned, still having a look on her face that she knew it was from Callum. If I knew any better, it seems like she's been trying to set him and me up since I first started. That is probably the entire reason why she hired me.

"Thanks. And don't try playing stupid. You know it was from Callum. I can see it written in your eyes."

Her lips pressed together. She bit the inside of her cheek. And then she smiled, trying not to. "I don't know. It's a different wrapping. But... I should tell you that Callum came by the office—Friday afternoon."

My eyes widened, and I pointed my finger at the ground, shouting, "Here? In this office? When?"

"Not long after you left. And let's just say he was extremely angry."

Pfft. Whatever. Now he acts like he cares when it's the first time the asshole has stopped in with everyone in the office in years?

I rolled my eyes. "He's an idiot. How mad did he try acting to be?"

"He left you a love note on your desk." She pursed her lips. "I'm sorry. I saw it on your desk, and I couldn't help but read it... just an FYI, don't worry about what he wrote you. I've got your back," she winked.

Blindsided By The BossWhere stories live. Discover now