Firepaw woke up to the sound of thunder. He looked around to notice Ravenpaw and Jinxpaw cuddled up in a corner.

Firepaw had to save Ravenpaw from that evil kittypet, so he dragged Jinxpaw into her own nest.

Firepaw was just about to go back asleep when he heard noises outside.

"We should do it now."

"No. If we kill now we'll get caught."

Firepaw gasped.

"Whose there?", the first voice asked.

Firekit hid behind the fresh kill pile, listening and watching.

"If we kill him now Kitestar will have to keep vigil, longer than everyone else because she has a connection with him. A connection that he doesn't know of."

Firepaw ran into the apprentice den and hid carried Micepaw over to Ravenpaw and hid under them. Even though they were the smallest apprentices, together Firepaw was hidden.

The two cats walked in. Because it was dark, Firepaw couldn't see their fur color.

"Firepaw. Come out come out. Firepaw, you can't hide from us."

Firepaw noticed his bright orange ear and tail sticking out of Ravenpaw's black fur and Micepaw's grey. He quickly pulled them in.

The cats must've noticed the movement because they started walking over.

They probably didn't know where he was hiding because they were just searching his half of the apprentice den.

When the two cats were close enough that Firepaw could hear them breathing, he leaped out of his hiding spot and started running and screaming.

The whole ShadowClan woke up. Kitestar came out of her den. "Come with 

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